*BIBLE READING: ROMANS 8:28-38; 11:28-29; PSALM 40:6-8*

*I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. Genesis 12:2 (NKJV).*

Our journey in life is the journey of our life's call; we are called to be a blessing (Genesis 12: 1-3). What is a call? According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, one definition of a call is; "to summon to a particular activity, employment, or office." Whereas a calling is; "a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence." From the definitions, we can see that a call or a calling is not so mysterious that it cannot be identified.

Everything created was meant to be a blessing to others. No call is for personal aggrandizement. Your gifts and calling are for the benefits of those around you. Think about all the fruit trees that produce fruits that they never consume, yet they provide nourishment to billions of human beings and animals. When you are not fulfilling your calling, you are hindering others whose calling are dependent on yours.

In Genesis 12:1-3, God called one man, Abraham and many are still being blessed through that call. The ultimate end of Abraham's call was to be a blessing to all the families of the earth. All of us, Jews and the Church alike are the outworking of that one call.

The greatest undertaking you can embark on, is to discover your calling in life, and be a blessing to your world through that call. In Psalms 40:7, we have the prophecy of Jesus coming to do the will of God as it is written concerning Him. We also see that the laws of God are written in His heart. Also, Jeremiah 1:5 says, *"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."* It is clear from the scriptures that our calling precedes our birth. Our calling is also written in our hearts. That is why the only way to discover it, is to seek God and look inwards. Your calling is coded in your heart like a written scroll.

Romans 8:28-30 gives a sequential process of your calling when you are rightly aligned with God:
i) Foreknowledge (v.29); God knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb.

ii) Predestination (v.29); God set your end before your life began; He planned for your life before you were born.

iii) Calling (v.3; Since God had a plan written about you in your book in Heaven, He brought you into a relationship with Himself and then He reveals His purpose for your life. You become aware of your calling when you capture it from the heart of God.

iv) Justification (v.3; God wiped away all your sins and annulled all the accusations the devil had against you, He declared you righteous by a divine verdict of the Court of Heaven. Also, in justification, God is working on you until you become like Christ (v.29).

v) Glorification (v.3; When your calling becomes a reality.

Whatever is your life's call, it will go through this sequence. It is at the last stage that your calling becomes a blessing. God has called every one of us into different spheres of influence, let us not belittle our calling. Every sphere of society is waiting for God's people who are called into it to invade it with their gifts.

It is those who commit themselves to their calling and their Caller that will indeed be a blessing to others. It takes vision and venture to fulfil your call and be a blessing (Pro.22:29). Apostle Paul charged his son Timothy to give himself wholly to his call that his profiting may appear unto all (1Tim. 4:15). Take your call seriously, go about it as God's business, whether you are called to shepherd the flock of God, to politics, to the economy, to education, to shape culture, or whatsoever will take blood and sweat with the grace of God. Somebody is waiting to be blessed by your calling.

Heavenly Father, I repent from all my sins that have granted the devil the permission to hinder your calling concerning me. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I step into Your calling for me that makes me a blessing in this world.

I decree and I declare that I am anointed to fulfill the calling of God upon my life.