*BIBLE READING: JOHN 15: 1-16, PSALMS 92:12-14*

*You did not chose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. John 15:16(NKJV).*

Be fruitful was the first pronouncement God made over the man he created.
Fruitfulness is a state of being productive. Before God formed man from the earth, He put in man everything that would make him fruitful. Be fruitful is a command or a charge given to man at creation, and within that command is the capacity and an inherent ability to be fruitful (Gen.1:26-28; 2:4-17). Fruitfulness is a hallmark of life in all forms of existence; whether in business, career, ministry, or family. Once anything stops being fruitful, it is on its way to extinction.

In John 15, Jesus commissioned His disciples to bear fruit. This was actually a re-commissioning of God's charge to Adam at creation. But Jesus told His disciples that their productivity, is predicated on their abiding in Him. What He said to His disciples still applies to us today. Apart from abiding in the Lord Jesus, and in His Word, we cannot be productive. It is based on our consistent fellowship with the Lord and feasting on His Word that we can produce kingdom results because we cannot do anything without His grace working in us.

Mark 3:14 (NKJV), *Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.* As disciples, we have a responsibility to first be with Jesus before we can bear fruit to expand the kingdom of God. Fruitfulness is a command, and the answer to our prayers is tied to our level of fruitfulness. *If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you (John 15:7 NKJV).*

We are speedily approaching the end of the age, and the time when the Master will demand from us an account of our time and of the other resources He committed into our hands. This is the time to be fruitful, to win souls and expand God’s kingdom, to see them discipled so that they abide. When we do this, we would have fulfilled the mandate to be fruitful, and we will surely have a reward waiting for us in Glory.

Heavenly Father, I pray that as I fellowship daily with you that I will become conformed to the image of Christ and bear fruit that will remain.

The newbirth confers on me the right to reign in life, failure has no place in my DNA, sickness and disease are disallowed. I am healthy and prosperous.