My heart goes out to Pastor Chris and the entire Christ Embassy church members. I pray that God grants them the fortitude to bear this loss and pain, and the wisdom to navigate through it.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a thought-provoking conversation about this incident with someone and I said, "I hope that the church properties are insured."

His response was surprising: "I hope so too, but will the insurance company really be able to cover all the massive damages? And do some pastors even believe in insuring their church properties? Wouldn't it seem like they are 'calling those things that be not, as though they were'? Predicting damage to your property in the future – isn't that a lack of faith?"

This conversation has been on my mind ever since. It's raising some big questions like:

~When we insure our properties, are we showing a lack of faith in God as believers?

~Are we, in essence, 'calling those things that be not, as though they were'?

~Will God be displeased with Christians who insure their properties?

~What are the real benefits of insuring our properties?

These questions touch on deep aspects of faith and practicality. I will love that we dive into this discussion as Christians.

I want to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments section.
