If you look at my Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social profiles, you will see something "common" to all of them, it's this statement:

"design thinking is everything"

I am sure, that some people don't understand how deep the rabbit hole goes when I say this.

I will try and simplify it for you…

A typical day in the life of an average individual would go something like this:

You wake up, pray, and if you are not a believer, you move on to other things

You brush your teeth, take a shower, and prepare to head out, or “stay in” if you are a remote worker…

You either take a bike, a tricycle, an Uber or you drive, if you have a car…

At the appropriate time, you get to work, and settle down at your “workstation”

At the appropriate time, you get breakfast, and if you are on a fast,, you don’t break that fast...

You work on a Laptop, Desktop, or Phone, to get your work done…

If you are a trader, you are selling something physical, it could be electronics, clothes, furniture, whatever…

At every point in time during the day, whatever you do, you are interacting with one item or the other, one service or the other…

That product, service, or item, that you found useful as you work, live, move about, and transact your business with…


Whilst being a solution to somebody’s problem, did not come to life by itself, even tissue paper!!


It came to life, because, at some point, someone observed the things going on In society, the problems that people had, and came up with a solution to it…


As that person came up with that solution, he or she had to do a little research or much research...

He or she had to “empathize” with those who had the issues, in many cases, they used themselves as “guinea pigs”...


They had to go through all the key cycles of anyone who does “design thinking” every time...

Contrary to what you may think, Design Thinking is not about being a graphic designer, not at all...


It’s more about using the same principles that core designers use in solving clients' briefs, solving life’s problems…

So, you can use design thinking to solve problems with products, processes, frameworks, environment, virtually everything…

That dress you are wearing, someone designed it...

That car you are driving, or riding in, someone designed it…

That furniture you are sitting in, or sleeping in, someone somewhere designed it…

That electronic device you are dreaming of getting someday, someone designed it…

Even that “food” you are eating, it took somebody at some point in the past, to sit down, think, bring several different condiments
Together, create recipes and bring them all together to make it taste and smell nice,...

it did not happen by accident, well, maybe some happened by the “concoction,” we used to eat in school…


I hope by now, you get my drift.

If you don’t get it, you may need to go to court…..


So, I am thinking of starting a weekly series, possibly on Youtube, where we have what I call “design thinking rants”…

Like, every week, we observe some issue in society, or around us, and we try and use design thinking principles to figure out solutions to these problems, within 30 minutes at the most.

What do you guys think?

