In the 90s, if you mentioned the term “PC” to anyone in Nigeria, it could mean many different things...


For example, PC could stand for “Pirates Confraternity”, but if they know you are talking about tech, then it means
“Personal Computer”, and as always, the Operating System expected on that PC is Microsoft Windows, because
they made the PC popular and something that the average person or company could afford, unlike what existed in
70s and 80s, when many people and companies could not afford computers for their businesses and personal use.


The first set of PCs always came in a two-piece form factor, meaning, the actual “PC”, which had the motherboard,
The hard drive, operating system, and device drivers were installed on a separate box, and the “monitor” also came separately.


The peripherals like the mouse, and keyboard have always been separate and extensible.

Later on, we started seeing “All In One”
Computers, which brought it all together in one box, starting with the “iMac” and was a very noble piece of engineering at the
time still is, and over the years, has improved tremendously to become a “beast” for most people.


Other computer manufacturing companies played catch up and started making their own “All-in-one” as well.

Now, you may think that this was restricted to “Hardware”, right?


You may think that way if you have not been paying much attention to what has been happening in the
software side of things, once upon a time, you could only get software on your PC, using “floppy disks”, anyone
remember that time?


If you are a “Gen Z”, don’t bother yourself and stop scratching your head, floppy disks existed before you were born…


Then, after floppy disks, technology improved and we had CDs, then DVDs (yes, DVDs were not just for storing and playing
movies, some of us used to write software on empty DVDs using DVD writers in the early 2000s.


And then came to the “flash drive”, which started life as an external drive, and later became more developed as “SSD” that could run
As an internal drive…..etc


I know you are getting bored now, you are like “Grandpa, we know you have some history in your head, just get to the point already”…

Be patient, I will get there soon…

In the world of software, the means of getting software unto your PC, also somewhat follows the technology with “storage media”,
You know, what I just described above, if you have already forgotten that, then it means you are getting older, faster than Grandpa…

You know, the floppy disk——>CD—>DVD—-> Flash drive trail?


One of the reasons we were all limited to these mediums, was that we didn’t have broadband internet available during these times,
And the people that could afford something close to it, the VSAT, were the big companies and the Banks, VSAT was not for the “small boys”…


Later on, the networks had some mercy on us and introduced 2G, then 3G, and Apple showed every storage manufacturer “shege” when they
Dumped every known means of getting software unto a PC and introduced the “App Store”….


When the likes of Microsoft felt threatened, they too rushed and built their own “Windows App Store”, then Adobe, then all other software giants that
were dealing in “B2C”, meaning “Business to Consumer” software, had to jump on the bandwagon….


The Apple App Store arguably became the first concept of an “all in one” software solution, one central point from which you could get all the
verified, certified, and tested software for a particular platform and operating system.

You may argue and say we had “all in one” software solutions like Microsoft Office, Open Office, Adobe Creative Suite, etc before the App stores, but
Remember that even these software suites, allowed you to “pick and choose” which one of their software solutions you could install?


For example, you could decide on installing only “excel” and “word” and leave out PowerPoint.

The App Store concept introduced two major innovations to software, first, it made people aware of the whole “cloud engineering” thing, that you
Could download or “use” software not installed on your PC hard drive, over the “internet”, when I talk like this, I am not talking about
Corporate software that you could run over an “intranet” like they do in the Banks, no…

I am talking about “B2C” software that could be used by every average person all over the world….. the internet…

One major difference between “all in one” software solutions, be it locally installed on your PC, or cloud-based, is that they tend to provide quality
Software to cover all “tasks” by people in a particular “industry”, not just a “niche” of that industry.

What do I mean by that?🧐🧐🧐🧐

For example, in Graphics Design, Adobe Photoshop and its competition is the go-to standard for anything “photo editing”, and Adobe Illustrator plays the same role when you talk about “vector-based illustration”, but “Adobe Creative Suite” is something that covers everything for the creative professionals (photo editing, video editing, illustrations, sound mixing etc)


Another great example is for the professionals in digital marketing, we have solutions that are just “autoresponders”, at least, they started that way, like Mail Chimp, Get Response, Constant Contact, and Send Mail, which you can only use in managing your email lists and email automation.


And you have solutions you could only use in building your landing pages, like lead pages, and other tools for just sales funnels, blogging, or Building websites.

But later on, came the “giants”, like Click Funnels, Kartra, and Builderall, which came with the claim that you could use their platforms to do everything a digital marketer needs to do for themselves and their clients, whether it’s building sales funnels, landing pages, managing email lists etc.


Even MailChimp recognized this trend and changed their business model and started adding more features to their platform…

Another major problem, that “All In One” solutions solve, is the “proliferation of tools” that professionals usually subscribe to, and pay for, on a monthly basis, just to get their work done, the fact that you can reduce your monthly expenses on various tools to just one tool, by a factor of 5 and above, is a
Wonderful thing.


On top of that, the “all in one” solutions usually come with the various tools “fully integrated” to talk to each other, they are not trying to turn you into a “tech superstar”, but an “efficient entrepreneur.


They have realized the essential things that every entrepreneur wants, have removed all the “complexity” in the various software solutions, and brought together the “essentials” under one roof….


All in One solution are available in all industries, so if you are a serious-minded professional, consultant, or agency and your mind is set on growth, efficiency, and scaling your operations massively, rather than running around dealing with very manual solutions, like a roadside mechanic, wouldn’t you choose an “all in one” solution
For your business?


I think I would, because I want to make the lives and businesses of my clients, much easier for them to run, likewise, my team and my business as well.


As a ZOHO Consultant, there are various “all in ones” that I can talk about for the various arms of your business, like the sales, marketing, HR, Collaboration, Finance parts
Of your business…these are all awesome, robust, high-quality, and cost-effective solutions on their own….


But there’s one “baba of them all”, it’s called ZOHO ONE…..


If you have not yet tried ZOHO ONE, you are missing out on A LOT….. I can help you get on it, set it up, and create amazing business automation that will make your
5 person business run like a 25-man team…..

You don’t believe me?

Watch this space for more information on the different things that ZOHO ONE can do, I can’t cover it all in one post, it’s just….awesome

Have a great day😊😊😊😊😊
