15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several abilities; and straightway took his journey.

Matthew 25:15


That’s an excerpt from the Bible, the well-known “parable of the talents”….

Even though, in this story, talents were a unit of money in those days, and it was a demonstration of how different people use the various opportunities given to them by God, it also refers to natural gifts, which we also call “talents”, today….

Sometimes, in our life’s journey, we get to know and build on these talents early in life, from childhood….

Sometimes, we discover these talents by accident, and other times, by necessity….

As they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention”, there are times and moments in your life when you make decisions based on the need to accomplish one thing or the other, or the need to survive, and in that struggle, you discover you have a gift that was hitherto “hidden” from you, or unknown to you…..

Most people usually have just one talent, one thing that they are excellent at, or good at….

Some, as said in the parable, are “multi-talented”, and the multiple talents can be in one particular field, for example, Sports, or Music, and at the same time….

It can be in multiple fields and industries, like “Shaq O Neal” who was good at Basketball and also became a Rap Artist in the 90s…
It’s very rare, but once in a while, we see people who are multi-talented across different fields of human endeavor…

Like someone excellent at being a Medical Doctor, while at the same time, is a beautiful artist, and Musician…..

The one thing about all of these people is that, at some point in their lives, they understood that the important thing, is “deploying your gift”, using your gift”, not just having it….

You can have multiple gifts, and each one can bring you before great men as the same Bible said in Proverbs 18:16, but this can only happen if you DEVELOP the gift…..

It is in that process of developing the gift, that you can express it in a way that others see its benefits and use to them….

It is in that process of developing the gift that you attract those who value it to yourself….

It’s all about “taking action”, “building”, developing that gift, that talent, and then learning to express it, in a way that makes sense to those who seek “value”….

You may be an excellent artist, but if you don’t start painting, drawing, on virtually any surface you can find, and start cataloging these works, no one would know about your gift….

That gift is the one hidden weapon that God has embedded in each one of us, it is inside of each person, not outside of it….

So, stop looking outside of yourself to find your gift.

It is the one thing that you do, seamlessly, with the least amount of effort


It usually never feels like “work”, because it is a part of you, I mean, when you use your hands to eat, your legs to walk, and your eyes to see, does it feel like “work”?

That’s how your gift(s) make you feel, find your gift, find your purpose, build it, and “express it”, that’s where you find your joy, and sense of purpose….

That’s what “design” and “design thinking” do to me….it’s the one thing that helps me bring it all together and make it make sense…
I mean, what do you do, when you can do so many things, that cut across so many fields and industries?

So, I would like to encourage you today, to find that gift, that talent, that one or two or three or multiple things that you can do, excellently to provide value to others, you can always start with “one” and then build the others later on in life….

But find it, it is one of the keys to your success in life…
Some people think they don’t have any talents, but they are wrong, you just have not looked deep enough….

It might be that you like talking a lot, to others, or you are annoying, but that may just be your gift, if channeled properly, you can become an MC, Co-Host, or Host at events and shows etc…

It might be that you look and sound weird, but somehow, always make people laugh, even without intentionally cracking jokes….

It could be anything, and usually, it may not “make sense” to you, the “gift bearer”….

But once you find it and can build it, it will all make sense to you later on.


I know it sounds “cliche” to say this, but it is the one thing that can keep you “sane” in this insane world we live in today.

Have a great day


#gifted #talented
