Ministering: Pastor Nnamdi Nwoba
Topic: The ABC of Christmas
Text: Isaiah 9 vs. 6-8, John 3 vs. 16, 2 Corinthians 8 vs. 9

Charge: The foundation for this season is God's love (John 3 vs 16). Jesus was given for us. Beyond God, we are the major beneficiaries of that sacrifice. Jesus expects us to extend the benefit of the life we have been given to others rather than keep it to ourselves.

There's nothing you're going through, have gone through, or will go through that Jesus can't save you from.


A. He was rich: Jesus had the universe at his disposal; he doesn’t need your money. Each time you have the privilege to give, know there's a blessing coming in return.

B. He became poor: Jesus gave us his wealth for us; He left the glories of heaven for the sadness of earth. He stooped to enter the darkness of a womb. He became dependent on others. He endured rejection and ridicule. He refused to return evil for evil. If Christ had been born in the palace, the poor would have wondered if God cared for them.

C. He became poor that we might become rich: He came that those who are poor might become rich. We became rich by association with Christ.
