Ministering: Pastor Teddy Odibo
Topic: The Power of Prayers
Text: Hosea 12:13, Genesis 8:22, Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 66:7, Psalms 66:3, John 1:12, Genesis 1:1-3

Charge: God's answer to every challenge is a man.

Power is made available in the place of prayers; you're not supposed to live on Earth without power.

We must pay the price to access God's power. It takes power to rule, govern, and change things.

God's word is the word impregnated by the Holy Ghost. Words not impregnated by the Holy Ghost cannot create impact.

Every believer carries power at the new birth, but that power needs to be activated. After the power has been activated, you can then convert it to meet your needs.

Until you convert the power from potential to kinetic, it can't change anything. Until that power is generated, it can't be converted.

Power is the universal solution to all universal problems. Conversion is what gives angels direction.

How to activate the power is through prayers. Until power is activated, prayer has not started (James 5:16). There is no limit to God's power. It takes dwelling in the place of prayers to generate God's power.

Types of Power that help in receiving your harvest:
1. The power of supplication: This power makes you very desperate. It takes desperation to reap the harvest.

Desperation is generated in the place of prayers (Luke 11:1-5, Luke 18:1-3). Your harvest does not depend on any human being but on your persistence in prayer.

You can convert God's power to anything you need.
