What Is A Customer Journey?

Let's take a moment to go through an important concept that can significantly impact the success of your marketing campaigns - the customer journey.

Quick question - have you made a purchase from a brand immediately you came across their ads on any platform?
Your answer is likely "No", for every 8/9 out of 10 times.

Have you later purchased that product later, especially if you are interested in that product and the brand follows you up to purchase that product via different channels?
I am guessing your answer is Yes!

So what is a Customer Journey?

In a nutshell, a customer journey is the path your potential customers follow before making a purchase or taking a desired action. It's not just about quick sales, but building relationships that lead to long-term success.

Here's a simplified breakdown of a Customer Journey:

1. Awareness: This is where your audience becomes aware of your product or service. Your ads create the initial spark of interest. This is part of what you get to achieve from your NG Adverts ads or any other Ad platform.

2. Consideration: After awareness, people start evaluating their options. They might research, compare, and gather information. You need to help your prospective customer make the choice of considering your brand over others through your follow up mechanism. If you have no lead capture and follow up system in place, you are doing marketing the wrong way.

Here's a typical example, one of our clients who signed up on our website over 3 year ago, ended up using our service for the first time this year. He said it was our emails that kept prompting him to use our service.
If we didn't have any system in place to capture the details of prospects and also follow them up, we would have lost the opportunity to turn them into paying customers.
Think through your marketing system to see if you have this in place.

3. Decision: This is the final step when they decide to buy or take the desired action.

Understanding this journey is crucial because it helps you tailor your ad campaigns to meet your audience at each stage. Sometimes, quick sales might happen, but often, it's about nurturing leads through the journey.

Building trust and offering value are key.

So, if you're looking for better marrketing results, consider the entire customer journey for your product or service.

Listen, marketing goes beyond just displaying your ads to create awareness; if you don't create the right sales funnel structure, your marketing over time will become expensive and you will also get frustrated.

...but not to worry, we are here to support you every step of the way.
If you have any questions or need assistance in crafting campaigns that address each stage, don't hesitate to reach out.

To your marketing success!

PS: If you missed our last post, read up the 9 Common Advertising Mistakes Businesses Make On Their Ad Campaigns - https://ngadverts.com/blog/com....mon-advertising-mist

PPS: Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint.

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