I decree this Sunday, as I raise up an altar for God in my home, His presence shall destroy every pain and fear in my life and family, in Jesus Name

I cancel every evil decree passed against my life or existence from known or unknown source, in Jesus’ name

I decree the wonderful power of God is working to make all crooked path straight in my life, in Jesus’ name

I terminate every evil revelation and pronunciation said into my lineage that is manifesting in any aspect of my life, in the name of Jesus

I decree my joy will never be replaced with disgrace or sorrow, in Jesus’ name

I decree I function daily according to the precepts of God nothing will stop me in Jesus’ name

I decree the power of God that changes the tides of negativity is filling my life henceforth, in Jesus’ name

I decree everywhere I step or my name is mentioned is turning to atmosphere of Miracle as the Lord performs His wonders through me and all that concerns me, in the name of Jesus

I decree the ever present help of God fills my life henceforth and I will know no lack in Jesus’ name

I decree over this nation and nations around the world, spirit of the Lord is moving turning around all that has been working against the kingdom and purpose of God, in Jesus’ name

I decree over every leader of the nations around the world that the fear of God will envelope them and they will not yield to advise that negates the plans of God, in Jesus’ name

I pray for all health care workers, frontline and essential workers that they will always do that which please the Lord as He strengthens them through all they do, in Jesus’ name

I decree every fear initiated by pandemic in lives across the world is subdued henceforth and faith is rising in individual souls and nations in Jesus’ name

I decree concerning leaders of all nations that the power to only obey the will of God is released upon them and all evil advise is terminated

I decree concerning all that are affected, infected or delayed by the pandemic divine restoration locates them henceforth

I decree concerning all health-care, essential and frontline workers only the purpose of God will be fulfilled in and through them in Jesus name

I decree concerning (mention) my testimony will never be aborted in Jesus name

Go ahead and celebrate Jesus for these wonderful declarations!


We return all Glory to our FATHER in heaven.
