Igbo Men don’t carry Last.
A Thread based on a True life story:
(I can’t translate ooo so if you don’t understand Igbo, kụpụ 😂)

Emeka strolls into computer village to buy original earpiece.

Emeka- mpa ke way?

Seller- Udo di, keduzi ncha bu omo?

Emeka- Nyegodu m original earpiece with nice bass, chọkwa nke ezigbo way.

Seller- way adịghị m ele fake nwanne, kụpụ ka m nye gi confirm. Ị ga
alike yaa

Seller hands over earpiece to Emeka. Bargains with Seller.

Agrees on 900 naira.

Pays seller.

Seller- chere, kam chọta change, sit on my chair.

Emeka seats down.

Woke Man aka Onye Mgbu strolls in to buy earpiece.

Meets Emeka there.

Onye Mgbu- I need earpiece bros

Emeka- you are at the right place.

Hands over his earpiece to Onye Mgbu.

Emeka- Thats the last one of this particular model we have here, I kept it for a friend but since you came here, I can just give it to you and cook up a story for him.

Onye Mgbu-*Tests earpiece*

“I love the sound, how much?”

Emeka - Its 3,500, follow come earpiece.

Onye Mgbu -I have N2,000 last, which kain N3,500.

Emeka- I can give you for 2500 last

Onye Mgbu- See collect N2,200 or I go to another shop.

Emeka- It's because it’s your first time just to make you a customer o, oya bring the money.

Emeka collects N2,200.

Onye Mgbu Moves

Seller walks in with change, hands over change to Emeka

Emeka- If I buy a second earpiece from you, how much will you sell to me?

nye m ezigbo ego o Nwanne.

Seller, ok, just bring 800.

Emeka hands over 800

Seller gives him another earpiece.

Emeka walks away with new Earpiece and extra N1,500 playing “Alobam” by Phyno. I Stan 🙌🏼😂

© Danny Walters
® Ntụ kpọ, ntụ kpọ supplied by me😁