The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. It lasted only 38 minutes!

This brief conflict is remarkable not only for its incredibly short duration but also for the stark power imbalance between the two sides.

Here are some additional details about the Anglo-Zanzibar War:

Causes: The primary reason for the war was a dispute over the succession to the Sultanate of Zanzibar. Following the death of Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini, who had been pro-British, a successor, Sultan Khalid bin Barghash, was chosen without British approval. The British favored another candidate, Sultan Hamoud bin Mohammed, who was more sympathetic to British interests.

British Ultimatum: In response to the succession dispute, the British government issued an ultimatum to Sultan Khalid, demanding that he step down from the throne by 90 a.m. on August 27, 1896. The ultimatum threatened military action if the demand was not met.

Quick Conflict: When Sultan Khalid refused to comply with the ultimatum, the British launched an attack with their naval forces. The Royal Navy bombarded the Sultan's palace and other key positions in Zanzibar. The Sultan's defenses, which included some artillery pieces and a small force of soldiers, were quickly overwhelmed.

Outcome: The bombardment lasted for only about 38 minutes, making it the shortest recorded war in history. The British forces suffered minimal casualties, while the Sultan's forces and palace sustained significant damage.

Surrender: Realizing the futility of resistance, Sultan Khalid sought refuge in the German consulate, where he was granted asylum. The British installed their preferred candidate, Sultan Hamoud, as the ruler of Zanzibar, effectively ending the war.

Legacy: The Anglo-Zanzibar War remains a notable historical event due to its brevity and the overwhelming British military superiority. It also reflects the imperialistic tendencies of the British Empire during the late 19th century when they sought to exert control over various territories in Africa and elsewhere.

In summary, the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is remarkable for its incredibly short duration, with hostilities lasting only 38 minutes, and for the significant power imbalance between the British Empire and the Sultanate of Zanzibar. It serves as an interesting footnote in the history of British colonialism in Africa.
