Apostle Arome Osayi

If you want to walk in Prosperity, I'll tell you hard facts, you know I don't like preaching it because I don't want to abuse it. Yes, it is in the Bible, but most of what we hear today about Prosperity are not balanced.

Most of what you hear from the pulpit concerning the issue of Prosperity are half-baked. It'll lead you astray and finally make mammon your god.

I have Prospered by the hand of God. I have witnesses that knew I was in the oil industry before and retired in 2020. My life currently is 10× better than what it was in the oil industry.

The oil industry is very lucrative. People fast and pray so they'd be accepted to work in that kind of company. Before I resigned, God removed that company from my heart. I wasn't holding the job as if my life depended on it. So it was easy for me to resign when He asked me to do so. When I resigned, God showed me that the job was nothing. Anything you're experiencing now is not the best God can do.

I was about to travel for international Ministerial work, one man brought his vehicle to carry me to the airport, it was a wonderful car. When we got to the police checkpoint, the whole police men saluted us. They saluted us because they've not seen that kind of car before. We got to the airport and travelled, God visited the man that gave us the car and told him to give me the car for free. That was how I got that my white vehicle. Nobody in that my company has that kind of car, that's what I'm talking about.

Everything you need that pertains to Life and Godliness will only navigate towards your direction if you seek the Kingdom and His Righteousness! Make sure that it's only the Heavenly vision that God has handed over to you that you're pursuing. In due time, He will cause everything to work in your favour. That's the secret!

© Believers Update

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