Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses, you are never a failure until you begin to blame someone else.
You will find out that if you become good in excuses you cannot be good in anything else.
They are tools a person with no purpose or vision uses to build great monuments of emptiness.
You can learn from your mistakes if you don't waste your time denying n defending them.
Work brings profit while talk brings poverty .
One of the biggest problem is regret.
Don't leave any regret on the field-give your all in the game of life.
Eliminate your regrets because they cannot pay any debt.
When a winner makes a mistake he says I was wrong, but when a loser does he says it wasn't my fault.
Idle people lack no excuse, for God detest the slothfuls.
The word can't means you won't try, can't weakens our resolve n many more times slanders, can't is the enemy of success.
Excuses replaces progress.
Brethren in your walk with God stay away from complaining n arguing, so that none can speak a word of blame against you.
May the almighty God help us to live our lives to success n not give or take EXCUSES.
Stay blessed
