1. The currency of adding value
Value speaks of your worth... What you can bring to the table. Value attracts the virtue call money 💰 Anywhere you find yourself, please add value

2. The currency of Meekness
Meekness is a healthy blend of humility and teachability. Quality meekness and teachability will grants you access to the hearts of Kings and nobles.

3. The currency of Competence (Skill)
In all you, make up your mind to be exceptionally competent in a field. David was a singer, warrior, a king, psalmist etc

4. The currency of Credibility - A Good Name
A good name is better than riches. There are people with money but looking for reliable people with good names to do business with. Money comes to an individual with good name.

5. The currency of Light - Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding
When God helps an individual, He floods them with light, which empowers them to become wealthy.

6. The currency of Favour
The value of favour is universal, irrespective of one’s geographical location it is so powerful that it accelerates destinies.

7. The currency of Strategic Relationships
Anything money can buy, relationships can buy even more.
Relationships are advantageous connections. It is pertinent to discern and understand the value of strategic relationships in your life. Invest in valuable relationships because Influence is powerful! In the world of men, influence can open doors for you

8. The currency of the Anointing.
When the anointing is a blessing to people, what they give you is money

9. The currency of Loyalty/ Followership

Loyalty and Followership doesn't reduce people. The step to greatness is on the ladder to Loyalty. Following those who are ahead of you genuinely attracts capital in destiny market
