In the previous part we established that ministry must derive from communion with the Lord. I must add that even results in ministry that are acceptable to the Lord must also come from communing with the Him. So you see why the focus should be the on Lord and not results?

Any result that is not drawn from the Lord is a lie. Why? This is because only Jesus Christ is the TRUTH (John 14:6). This means even results can be a lie—that’s why there are lying wonders which are wonders not sourced from Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Proofs too can be a lie: Potiphar’s wife presented proof beyond every reasonable doubt that Joseph was with her but it was all a corpulent lie —(Genesis 39:11-2. Once again what makes a result or proof in ministry a lie is not that it does not solve problems on the ground, it is that it does not originate from a healthy communion with Christ. Only Jesus Christ is the truth!

Sadly, some ministers today do not seem to care where their results come from as long they prove to their colleagues in ministry that they are not failing in ministry. They mix their faith not with patience but with compound unrighteousness.They seem to forget that we all shall account to the Lord in the hereafter. They are like a certain Nigerian politician whose soul had been so inebriated by vanity that he declared in the delirium of temporary grasp and control of fleeting power thus,

“ I’d rather be lionised here and be humiliated in hereafter than to be humiliated here and lionised in the hereafter. “ How foolish could a man become?

The Lord blows very hot on punishing all those who get results outside of communion with Him in the following passage:

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU’; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7:21-23, emphasis mine)

The stern proclamation by the Lord, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU’ does mean that the Lord is oblivious of their existence. The word KNEW in the Greek is not mental knowledge but intimate, conjugal knowledge, mostly the kind that a man has of his wife during copulation. The Lord can have this knowledge of His saints (albeit spiritually )because the church is is His bride.

So the Lord is saying that He does not have communion with these wonder workers — therefore their works are null and void. The reason is their works do not derive from a deep communion with Him. Their results are tantamount to a married woman getting pregnant by another man who is not her husband and expects the husband to take responsibility for the fruit of infidelity.

The Lord would simply not be omega to anything that He is not alpha to! Getting results outside of communion with the Lord—outside the ecosystem of Christ, is the classic definition of iniquity! Hence the punishment meted to them is heavy.

This is why it is a very terrible thing to get results outside of communion with the Lord! For more on this, get my book, KINGDOM RECALIBRATION here:

May the Lord have mercy on us all and give us the grace to stay focused on Christ alone for the rest of our pilgrimage on this side of eternity in Jesus’ precious name!

With love from your brother,

Arome Osayi.
