By Pst. Ezekiel Atang

(James 5:16 NIV)

Saturday, 9th September

(Marriage 101)

Ezekiel 22:30 KJV
“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none”.

One of the most important assignments of a believer is the work and ministry of intercession. Intercession is to intercept two people, or to become a go-between. We are to go between men and God, and between communities and God. We are supposed to tell God about Men, and tell men about God. Our job is to bridge the gap that permanently exists between men and God.

We bridge the gap between God and men by preaching to men about God, and interceding in prayer about men to God. So, we are preachers and intercessors. We preach and we pray, all to connect men to God. It is a sacred and great work with awesome privileges.

Let me make it known to you that your family is supposed to be the first beneficiary of this grace of God upon your life. God saved you so you could stand in the gap for your family; beginning with your spouse, to your children, siblings and other members of your extended family. It is a great failure and disappointment for any member of your family to end in hell. Arise and stand in the gap for your husband and stop complaining, intercede for your wife and stop being bitter. Take your children to the place of prayer and stop fighting them. Vow today that no one called family will miss eternity with God in Jesus Name.

a. Make a list of unsaved members of your family today, and begin an intercession plan for each of them.
b. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with compassion for your spouse today.

-Lord I accept the call to intercede for my family in Jesus Name.
-Father, please fill my heart with passion and compassion for my family in Jesus Name.

Arise and stand in the gap for your husband and stop complaining, intercede for your wife and stop being bitter, and also take your children to the place of prayer and stop fighting them.

For Further Reading and Meditation
Esther 1, Luke 9

Numbers 8

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