Ministering: Pastor Nnamdi Nwoba
Topic: Laws of Conversion
Text: Romans 1 vs 20, Isaiah 2 vs 2,
Charge: One of our biggest problems as Christians is that we do not understand the law of conversion.

God wants to bring a shift to Africa. God designed men made in his nature to have dominion over all creation. Genesis 1 vs 26-28

The core responsibility of the church is to train believers from the point of infancy (The Gospel of salvation) to the point of maturity (The Gospel of the kingdom).

God's dream for the last lap of the journey to the second coming of Christ is that it is Africans that will lead the last lap.

The reason God gives us his nature through the gospel of salvation is to take us through a process to mature us and utilize the Gospel of the kingdom to liberate all of creation.

God will not give you anything you’re not ready for or able to manage.
The problem in life is not the presence of darkness but the absence of light.

God knows whether you’re a child or an adult by the things you ask for. Psalms 2 vs 8

1. Governance
2. Business and economy
3. Education
4. Family
5. Religion
6. Entertainment
7. Media and communication
