Week 4: Healthcare and the Coronavirus Crisis
Many Nigerians do not have health insurance and cannot afford basic healthcare services for themselves and their families.

Stories abound of sick people being refused medical care due to coronavirus fears.
Concerns are being raised over healthcare workers with insufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and the conditions and capacity of designated treatment and isolation centres.

Majority of the people do not have access to protective facemasks or know how to properly use them. Some are resorting to self-medication and other questionable practices to prevent or cure the coronavirus.

On this week’s Awakening broadcast, the discussion will be on the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of healthcare, as we try to determine how the government and citizens can work to pull through the pandemic.

Tune in to @dreamfm925 today by 2pm.

You can also listen Live via https://player.netromedia.com/....?ID=161e868f-98a7-4c

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