The emergence of social media has taught me, among other things, that many a young person cannot generate meaningful and intelligible ideas. There is this WhatsApp and Facbook group that I belong to, for over a year now, and really, I can barely count the number of posts that made the commonest sense.

Please, don't get me wrong, I'm in no way suggesting that everyone should sound professorial; i mean that, even in catching fun, there should be intelligibility. The quality of posts exhibited on this group's platform, is such that even toddlers would hold them as lacking tact and finesse.

Sometimes the same post would be posted many a time before the week runs out. Some of the posts have marriage or social discuss as their subject-matter; not that this is wrong, only that the issues raised are so mundane that they would hardly generate meaningful discourse.

Funnily enough, a great number of people on this platform are educated. And I asked myself, isn't this why a lot of people do badly in interviews and examinations?

