Miracle on Lake Kivu: Two Babies Found Floating on Debris Days After Congo Floods

In east Democratic Republic of Congo, two babies have been rescued from Lake Kivu after being found floating near the shores. This comes after more than 400 people were killed by floods in the area. The parents of the babies have died, but the community is in touch with people who can care for them. It is unclear how the babies survived three days in the lake, but witnesses report they were floating on debris.

The Congolese Red Cross has warned of distressing scenes in the affected villages, with dead bodies piled up and concerns about the smell of decomposing bodies. The number of dead has risen to at least 411, with more bodies being discovered in a later stage of decomposition. Identifying all of the deceased is proving challenging, as some were traders visiting from neighbouring towns. More than 5,000 people are still missing and rescue activities are ongoing.

The floods have also caused significant damage to infrastructure, including schools, health facilities, churches, and water infrastructure. Many local people, including Nobel peace prize laureate Denis Mukwege, have criticized the burial of flood victims in mass graves, while others have condemned the government for not visiting the flood sites. UN chief António Guterres has said that the floods are another illustration of accelerating climate change, which makes extreme rainfall more likely.

