Kenyan Pastor Accused of Ordering Followers to Starve to Death "to Meet Jesus". Autopsies Reveal Missing Organs in Victims

A disturbing discovery of mass graves near the coastal town of Malindi in Kenya has raised suspicions of forced organ harvesting. Autopsies on the corpses revealed missing organs, and some of the victims, including children, were found to have been strangled, beaten, or suffocated.

The majority of the bodies were believed to be followers of self-styled pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, who allegedly ordered them to starve to death to "meet Jesus." Police suspect that a trade in human organs involving several individuals has been well-coordinated.

Ezekiel Odero, a televangelist arrested in connection with the case, is alleged to have received "huge cash transactions" from Mackenzie's followers who sold their property at the cult leader's bidding. A total of 112 people have so far been confirmed dead, with search and rescue efforts ongoing. Mackenzie turned himself in on April 14 after police discovered the mass graves in the Shakahola forest, where he had been operating.

Prosecutors are seeking to hold Mackenzie for another 90 days until investigations are completed.

Source: Vanguard
