When loved ones are not in a good place and you stay away... You are not being a good person.

If you don't know what to do, just sit there!

Even if you want to be left on your own, on your bad day, be there for your friend, in a bad place. (And I doubt if anyone truly want to be left alone)

Let them be the one to tell you, they don't need you.

Staying away, in the name of giving them space to grief, is selfish... Except you are not as close as they take you.

People are going through stuff they may not be able to talk about, but, just want you to be available!

Let them know you are there for them, even if they don't need you, immediately!

Especially, when they are leaders and celebrities!

It's lonely, at the top, no matter the level of "topness" 😂🤪

Amazingly, when you are down, you look for them... But, you avoided them at their bad day, because....you say;
"I don't know what to say" ;

like seriously? 😳😳

My friend, go and sit down there.

Kill that selfish thought in you!

INTIMACY is "Into me, see", yet, you are granted that, and all you see is, you!

He that seeks Friends should be friendly!.... Prov. 18:24

I hope this meets you, well.

By Pst Sam Onuoha
