"Jesus said, “Except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone but its death will result to fruits.” John 12:24

This Principle talks about self-denial and sacrifice. Until we experience self-cancellation, the Glory of God will not manifest in us. John the Baptist said, “I will decrease and he will increase in me.”(Jn. 3:3. The Weight of the Glory of God only rests upon dead and consecrated vessels.No wonder Apostle Paul said, “I die daily” (1Cor. 15:31). Men that carry the Presence of God are men that have crucified self, men that are dead to the sinful lifestyle, worldly ways of doing things and satan himself. This was what prompted Paul to say with confidence that his boasting was "Only in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world (Gal. 6:14).

The Scripture admonishes us not to love the world or any of the things therein. These things include the lust of the flesh (immorality), the lust of the eyes (greed/covetousness for material possession) and the pride of life (quest for power, fame, recognition). 1John 2:15-17 We must never forget that "friendship with the world brings enemity with God.” (Jam. 4:4). Finally, the Scripture admonishes us to "lay aside every weight, especially sin that so easily besets us..."(Heb. 12:1). Until we empty ourselves of self, God can’t fill us with His Glory and Power for His End-time Plans and Purposes as well as the Last Days Move of God on Earth. We need to practise a lifestyle of self-denial, denying ourselves food through fasting, denying ourselves other fleshly gratification and pleasures of sin and living a life of sacrifice of time (tarrying in His Presence), coming out of our comfort zone and laying everything down at the Foot of the Cross like Peter. (Mk. 10:28-3. Otherwise, we will not experience Authentic Christianity with Great Glory and Power which the Father had in Mind when establishing the Church.


Heavenly Father, please help us to experience self- abasement and cancellation so that the Life of Christ would be revealed in us and through us to our generation in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.