BIBLE READING: 2KINGS 4:8-37; 1KINGS 17:8-24; LUKE 6:37-38

"Let the elders who perform the duties of their office well be considered doubly worthy of honour [and of adequate financial support], especially those who labor faithfully in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain,” and again, “The laborer is worthy of his hire.” 1Timothy 5:17-18(AMP)

It is the Will of God that genuine pastors be honoured as can be seen throughout the Bible. The Prophet's Honour Principle could be explained as follows:

(1.) It Is holding your pastor with high respect and regard: "Dear brothers and sisters, honour those who are your leaders in the Lord's Work. They work hard among you and warn you against all that is wrong. Think highly of them and give them your wholehearted Love because of their work. And remember to live peaceably with each other. 1Thess. 5:12-13(NLT)

(2.) It is blessing your pastor with your material or financial resources: To buttress this point, 1Cor. 9:11(AMP) says the following: "If we have sown [the Seed of] Spiritual Good among you, [is it too] much if we reap from your material benefits?" Phillipians 4:18-19(NLT) also states the following as a follow-up: "At the moment I have all I need--more than I need! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God and pleases Him. And this Same God Who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His Glorious Riches which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."

When you honour your pastor, it is God Almighty Himself Who receives that honour. God then supplies all your needs! Proverbs 3: 9(NLT) states the following: "Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces." This is the scriptural way to honour your pastor! Some of the benefits of Prophet's Honour are as follows:

(1.) The Blessing: Ezekiel 44:30(KJV) states the following: "And the first of all the Firstfruits of all things, and every oblation of all, of every sort of your oblations, shall be the priest's: ye shall also give unto the priest the first of your dough, that he may cause the blessing to rest in thine house." The Blessing comes after you have honoured your man of God.

(2.) Supernatural Increase: Proverbs 3:9-10(NKJV) states the following: "Honour the Lord with your possessions, and with the Firstfruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine." Increase from one level to another is one of the benefits of Honour. Prophet's Honour is designed to move you from one level to another.

(3.) The Prophet's Reward: Matthew 10:41(AMP) states the following: "He who receives and welcomes and accepts a prophet because he is a prophet shall receive a prophet 's reward." The Prophet's Reward implies that God confirms every word the prophet declares over a person and the person becomes entitled to the proceeds of the Prophet's Office.

Concerning the Principle of the Seedfaith, Matthew 17:20 states the following:
"If you have Faith as small as a mustard seed… nothing will be impossible for you!"
Everything in life starts with a seed—including the things we receive by Faith. The Lord God Almighty says the following in Genesis 8:22: “While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest… shall not cease.” The Eternal Law of Seedtime and Harvest, planting and reaping, giving and receiving will not change as long as the Earth remains. When we put our Faith in God’s Hands like a seed we plant, we are giving Him something to work with and He will send the miracle we need. No matter how small our Faith seems to be, it will meet needs and solve problems that appear as impossible to move as mountains.The Seedfaith Principle in the Bible contains Three Simple Keys:

(1.) Recognize that God is your Source: (Phil. 4:19)

(2.) Give first so that it may be given back to you: (Lk. 6:38)

(3.) Expect a miracle: (Mk. 11:24).

The moment we ask God for something—the moment we do our part and plant our seed of faith—we should believe God that the answer is on its way. It’s important to expect our miracle so we can recognize it and reach out to take it when it comes. It’s also important to remember that God controls the time and method He will use to give back to us. (Ecc. 11:6) We must keep trusting Him and expecting our miracle, no matter how long it takes to reach us. Give God something to work with today. No matter how little you think you have, sow it in Joy and Faith, knowing you are sowing seeds so you may reap miracles. Remember that God always sends the right answer at the right time in the right way. His Timing and Methods are always exactly right for our lives!


Heavenly Father, we pray that You give us a Deeper Understanding of how to honour Your servants and to release our Faith through our seed in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.