I put up a post I tagged- "Between males and Females" a couple of days ago.

In that post I put up a clip I had heard earlier of a phone conversation between this fellow who was ditching a lady he had dated because he was interested in getting married but he wasn't going to marry a woman he had done things like smoke marijuana with.

In the same post I spoke about a Facebook post I saw where the poster was speaking about how he had a room-mate who would do all sorts of things openly with his girlfriend in school and how he eventually did not marry her even after the life they lived together.
I saw when this Facebook poster said how he felt pity for the person who would eventually marry the girl, and then some ladies on the thread responded in ways that showed they were offended.
As far as they were concerned it was both the girl and the guy that did all the things they did together so why would he feel compunction on behalf of the girl alone?

Let me say a few things if it would help someone reading.

Whether you are a male or female please be conscious of things that will hurt you in the future. Do not throw caution to the wind and engage in behaviour you are likely to regret in the future, but most importantly do everything to obey God and please Him. That will be your security in the future.

Disobedience and rebellion are not gender-specific.

However, let me say something to the ladies here particularly.

I saw a video interview on the wall of Ifedy Inspire where a feminist lady who is an author was interviewed by a talkshow host and she was talking about her struggle for equality between genders.
Now, while I do not believe the man is superior to the woman just because he is a man there is something impracticable about a struggle for "social equality" for both genders.

Let me explain.

I have 3 daughters that I love very much and I tell them the exact same thing I am about to say to you in a way they can relate to it.

Men have their strengths and weaknesses, and women have their strengths and weaknesses.

You cannot conflate both.

And so if you are fighting for social justice and equity on behalf of women you are fighting for the right thing, but if your fight is for equality in the eyes of society (what I choose to call "social equality" then you are making a mistake.

It is a hard fact but the truth is there will never be equality anywhere. Not even in Heaven.
It is impractical.
Everyone will be rewarded according to their works and contributions- that is equity.
So your emphasis should be on equity and not equality.

There is no point in time when women will not be seen by the majority as weaker than men and so in times of conflict or chaos society will for the foreseeable future very likely be more prone to spring to a woman's defence than it would to a man.
In the same way, there are certain things a man will do that will be explained away faster than if a defence had to be put up because they were done by a woman.

The hooligan that was smoking weed with a girl he picked up at a nightclub and dated her for 4 years only to dump her because he wanted to get married is a hooligan no doubt, but the girl was very foolish indeed.
There is no way for example that a philandering woman will be viewed by society in the same way as a philandering man is viewed.
This is the same reason why a key that can open all sorts of locks is viewed by most people as an asset, while a lock that can be opened by all sorts of keys is viewed as a liability.
Let us be real so we can help others.
Anything you do to destroy your life will bring dire consequences- but these consequences will be especially so when they are a result of a profligate lifestyle, and the woman who indulges in it will come out looking worse than the man who did.

While working for a more just society be mindful of these things so you do not cause yourself more unnecessary pain.

~ Pst Ugonna Emechebe