BIBLE READING: GENESIS 1:26-28; PSALM 8:1-9; EXODUS 7:20; JUDGES 5:19-20

"Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, And the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies" Joshua 10:12-13(NKJV).

God created the Earth and gave man dominion over the Works of His Hands, including all the elements and Ordinances of Heaven (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 8:6).* Even though Adam lost his dominion to the devil, (Lk. 4:6). Jesus has restored that same authority to us as His Body (Matt. 28:18). We see in the Old Testament how the prophets of God exercised Prophetic Dominion and how they harnessed the Forces of Creation to enforce the Will of God in their days. Moses exercised Prophetic Dominion over the wind, the River Nile, the Sun and the Red Sea in order to defeat Pharaoh and bring about the Purpose of God for Israel. Joshua exercised dominion over the Sun (Josh. 10:12). The other prophets including Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Gideon etc., all exercised Prophetic Dominion.

Christ Jesus was a Living Example of an understanding and consistent exercise of Prophetic Dominion during His Earthly Ministry. He demonstrated the Power of God through His Uncountable Miracles and the Forces of Nature obeyed Him (Matt. 14:25; Mk. 4:39-41). We are living in the Last Days when God is eager to showcase His Power as in the Days of Old. This Same Authority is available to us today as revealed in the Word. As satan is increasing his works in these Last Days, the Lord God Almighty wants to manifest Himself more than ever through His people in order to turn the hearts of many to Himself. God is looking for people to walk in the anointing of Moses, Elijah and the Prophets of Old. All Authority has been given to us in Christ and He promised that everything He did, we would equally do and even Greater Works indeed (Jn. 14.12)..


Thank You, Heavenly Father for honouring us by entrusting to us Your Creation. Please enable us to use the Authority You have given us to continue to enforce Your Counsel and Your Will so that men would continue to experience Your Unlimited Power and be drawn to You in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.