BIBLE READING: ACTS 2:44-47; MATTHEW 23:11-12; ACTS 4:32-37; LUKE 22:24-27

"Honour Christ by submitting to each other" Ephesians 5:21(The Living Bible).

The Christian Race is an individual race which requires a corporate effort and collaboration. One of the major requirements for any productive and successful believer is submission to the Lord (Jam. 4:7). It is impossible to submit to a man without submitting to his body, hence nobody can claim to be submissive to Jesus while treating His Body, the Church with disdain.

While admonishing the Early Church in his first epistle, Peter the Apostle gave this charge: "Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, ALL OF YOU BE SUBMISSIVE TO ONE ANOTHER, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” 1Pet. 5:5(NKJV). Mutual submission amongst brethren is a major proof of our reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a clear evidence of the presence of humility in the heart of a Christian believer. Even in the marriage institution where the Scripture requires the woman's submission to her own husband, there is a need for both to submit to each other as Christians in the Fear of the Lord (Eph. 5:21).

Servant-leadership is a prerequisite for genuine disciples of Jesus who have learnt to stoop to conquer. James the Lord's brother admonishes us to "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another..." Jam. 5:16a(NKJV). This kind of mindset is a breeding ground for humility with which we must clothe ourselves always. The Lord grant us grace to do so.


Father in Heaven, to You alone we ascribe all the Glory, Honour and Praise. O Lord, please help us humble ourselves to be submissive to each other in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.