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    Between ChatGPT and Claude, which do you prefer?
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  • When you purchase a domain name and have designed a website on it previously, ensure not to let it expire except you want to go through a similar situation like the one described in thia screenshot.
    When you purchase a domain name and have designed a website on it previously, ensure not to let it expire except you want to go through a similar situation like the one described in thia screenshot.
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  • Got questions from the free Lead Capture System guide? Ask in the comments below.
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    Got questions from the free Lead Capture System guide? Ask in the comments below. Haven't downloaded it yet? Get your copy here -
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  • The_Olushola's instagram account was disabled recently. This is can happen to anybody who uses social media.
    If we all agree to this, the smart thing to do will be to ensure that one is ready if it were to happen.
    This is part of the reason behind the free Lead Capture System guide I wrote. Have you downloaded it yet?

    #leadcapturesystem #digitalgrowthhub
    The_Olushola's instagram account was disabled recently. This is can happen to anybody who uses social media. If we all agree to this, the smart thing to do will be to ensure that one is ready if it were to happen. This is part of the reason behind the free Lead Capture System guide I wrote. Have you downloaded it yet? #leadcapturesystem #digitalgrowthhub
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  • David Ogilvy's "Unconventional" 20 Rules for Getting Clients

    David Ogilvy, often called the “Father of Advertising,” was a legendary figure whose strategies shaped the modern marketing landscape. As the founder of Ogilvy & Mather, one of the most influential advertising agencies in the world, he helped create iconic campaigns for brands like Rolls-Royce, Dove, and Hathaway Shirts. Ogilvy's approach combined creativity with rigorous research, making him a pioneer in crafting persuasive and effective advertising.

    Beyond his iconic campaigns, Ogilvy's insights into building a successful business remain invaluable.
    One of his most famous contributions is his list of 20 Rules for Getting Clients, which offers practical advice on winning clients and sustaining business success.

    Here are the rules:

    1. Regard the hunt for new clients as a sport. David believed in getting dead serious about new business after he landed it. Until then — save yourself from dying of ulcers over lost clients. Approach the search for new clients with "light-hearted gusto". Play to win but enjoy the fun.

    2. Never work for a client so big you can’t afford to lose them. Why? The fear of losing them, alone, will wreck your life. You will be unable to give candid advice. Ogilvy famously turned down Ford, saying: "Your account would represent one-half of our total billing. This would make it difficult for us to sustain our independence in council.

    3. Take immense pain in selecting your clients. On average, Ogilvy would turn down about 60 clients a year. You too should be choosing clients before they choose you. The truth is first-class agencies aren’t in high supply. You have the power to select who you work with, so do it carefully.

    4. Only add 1 new client every 2 years. You want to keep the clients you have. For life. That should be your #1 goal. And if you’re working with great clients and keeping them, then you’ll need only a few clients. David Ogilvy also discovered other reasons adding too many new clients hurt his business. Growing too fast led to hiring too fast. This led to not having well-trained staff. That led to diverting too much of his agencies best brain power away from servicing old clients and failing at keeping clients for life. Plus starting new clients off is often the most difficult work; because you’re building everything from scratch. So screw finding new clients, keep old ones.

    5. Only seek clients with a product or service you are proud of. Unlike lawyers and doctors, professionals in the creative field can’t detach themselves from their work. If you privately despise your client’s product or service, you will fail. You need to have a personal fondness for the client you service before you can help them succeed.

    6. Only accept a client if you can improve their existing work. Ogilvy was famous for turning down the New York Times because he "didn’t think (he) could produce better advertisements than the brilliant ones they had been running." Don’t think you can create better work than what’s already there? Don’t take on the client.

    7. Don’t take on clients whose business is dying. This can be tough when you need work, but if a client approaches you who you know won’t be able to stay in business, regardless of if they hire you, don’t take them on. It doesn’t matter how great your work is, nothing you do will make up for their deficiencies. You may be hungry for work, but the success of your clients, ultimately defines you. Your profit margin is too slim to survive a prospective client’s bankruptcy.

    8. Only work for clients who want you to make a profit. Just because you produce results for a client doesn’t mean you will automatically see those profits come your way. Every client service firm treads a thin line between over-servicing clients and going broke, or under-servicing them and getting fired. Make sure your client’s understand that you too are making money — by helping them make money. Make sure they understand you are planning to take a percentage of their profit (however small). Don’t shy away from it and don’t pretend otherwise.

    9. Don’t publicly pursue clients. If a client announced they were considering hiring Ogilvy, he would withdraw his company from the race. His reason? "I like to succeed in public, fail in secret."

    10. Getting new clients is a solo performance. The person who decides to hire you is almost always the top decision maker at the company. David believed, "Chairmen should be harangued by chairmen." Additionally, he felt having too many people on sales calls caused confusion. That’s why singularity is an important ingredient in winning accounts.

    11. Remain flexible when selling clients. It’s OK to rehearse for sales calls but David hated speaking from prepared text. A slide deck or written text locks you into a position which may become irrelevant during the meeting.

    12. Tell prospects about your weaknesses. David picked this up from antique dealers. He realized that when a dealer drew your attention to a flaw in the furniture, he almost always gained your trust. If you do this too — before the client notices your flaws on their own, you will also gain their trust. It will make you more credible when you boast about your strong points.

    13. Don’t get bogged down in case-studies or research numbers. These things put prospects to sleep. "No manufacturer ever hired an agency because it increased market-share for somebody else." Clients care about themselves, talk about them.

    14. Explicitly tell clients why they should hire you. The day after a new client meeting, David would send the client a 3-page letter on why they should pick him. Today you can send an equally brief email to help clients make the right decision.

    15. Don’t pay an outside source a commission for new business. David Ogilvy believed the type of clients this brought in weren’t worth the trouble. Today commission-based lead finders include recruiters, head-hunters, and even other freelancers.

    16. Beware of clients who have no budget but a great idea. Even though they might become huge if everything goes well, it’s more likely that things won’t go well. Servicing these companies will be expensive for you and very few of them will ever make it worth your while.

    17. Don’t underestimate personality. The difference between client service firms is not as big as we like to believe. Most can show they produced results that increased sales for some of their clients. Very often the difference in new business depends on the personality of the head of the agency. Know you will win and lose some clients because of your personality.

    18. Fire clients at least 5 times more often than you get fired. Always do it for the same reason: if their behavior erodes the morale of the people working on their account. Do not allow this from any client.

    19. Use what you specialize in to find new clients. David Ogilvy created ads selling his ad agency. You should dog-food your own service too. So how does your work help clients? Can it help you in the same way? For example, do you help them find customers by creating content? Create content for your agency. Do you do graphic design? Create infographics for potential clients. The trick will be to not just make things that you like or impress people in your industry, but to make things that impress potential clients.

    20. Build a waiting list of would- be clients. "Try as I may, I have never been able to space the acquisition of new accounts at convenient intervals. For months on end, nothing happens. I begin to wonder if we will ever get another account. My staff becomes despondent. Then we get three beauties in rapid succession, and the load of urgent work becomes unbearable. The only solution is to build a waiting list of would- be clients, and to admit them one by one at times of our own choosing. That will be the day."

    What’s your favorite lesson from these rules? Let me know in the comments!

    David Ogilvy's "Unconventional" 20 Rules for Getting Clients David Ogilvy, often called the “Father of Advertising,” was a legendary figure whose strategies shaped the modern marketing landscape. As the founder of Ogilvy & Mather, one of the most influential advertising agencies in the world, he helped create iconic campaigns for brands like Rolls-Royce, Dove, and Hathaway Shirts. Ogilvy's approach combined creativity with rigorous research, making him a pioneer in crafting persuasive and effective advertising. Beyond his iconic campaigns, Ogilvy's insights into building a successful business remain invaluable. One of his most famous contributions is his list of 20 Rules for Getting Clients, which offers practical advice on winning clients and sustaining business success. Here are the rules: 1. Regard the hunt for new clients as a sport. David believed in getting dead serious about new business after he landed it. Until then — save yourself from dying of ulcers over lost clients. Approach the search for new clients with "light-hearted gusto". Play to win but enjoy the fun. 2. Never work for a client so big you can’t afford to lose them. Why? The fear of losing them, alone, will wreck your life. You will be unable to give candid advice. Ogilvy famously turned down Ford, saying: "Your account would represent one-half of our total billing. This would make it difficult for us to sustain our independence in council. 3. Take immense pain in selecting your clients. On average, Ogilvy would turn down about 60 clients a year. You too should be choosing clients before they choose you. The truth is first-class agencies aren’t in high supply. You have the power to select who you work with, so do it carefully. 4. Only add 1 new client every 2 years. You want to keep the clients you have. For life. That should be your #1 goal. And if you’re working with great clients and keeping them, then you’ll need only a few clients. David Ogilvy also discovered other reasons adding too many new clients hurt his business. Growing too fast led to hiring too fast. This led to not having well-trained staff. That led to diverting too much of his agencies best brain power away from servicing old clients and failing at keeping clients for life. Plus starting new clients off is often the most difficult work; because you’re building everything from scratch. So screw finding new clients, keep old ones. 5. Only seek clients with a product or service you are proud of. Unlike lawyers and doctors, professionals in the creative field can’t detach themselves from their work. If you privately despise your client’s product or service, you will fail. You need to have a personal fondness for the client you service before you can help them succeed. 6. Only accept a client if you can improve their existing work. Ogilvy was famous for turning down the New York Times because he "didn’t think (he) could produce better advertisements than the brilliant ones they had been running." Don’t think you can create better work than what’s already there? Don’t take on the client. 7. Don’t take on clients whose business is dying. This can be tough when you need work, but if a client approaches you who you know won’t be able to stay in business, regardless of if they hire you, don’t take them on. It doesn’t matter how great your work is, nothing you do will make up for their deficiencies. You may be hungry for work, but the success of your clients, ultimately defines you. Your profit margin is too slim to survive a prospective client’s bankruptcy. 8. Only work for clients who want you to make a profit. Just because you produce results for a client doesn’t mean you will automatically see those profits come your way. Every client service firm treads a thin line between over-servicing clients and going broke, or under-servicing them and getting fired. Make sure your client’s understand that you too are making money — by helping them make money. Make sure they understand you are planning to take a percentage of their profit (however small). Don’t shy away from it and don’t pretend otherwise. 9. Don’t publicly pursue clients. If a client announced they were considering hiring Ogilvy, he would withdraw his company from the race. His reason? "I like to succeed in public, fail in secret." 10. Getting new clients is a solo performance. The person who decides to hire you is almost always the top decision maker at the company. David believed, "Chairmen should be harangued by chairmen." Additionally, he felt having too many people on sales calls caused confusion. That’s why singularity is an important ingredient in winning accounts. 11. Remain flexible when selling clients. It’s OK to rehearse for sales calls but David hated speaking from prepared text. A slide deck or written text locks you into a position which may become irrelevant during the meeting. 12. Tell prospects about your weaknesses. David picked this up from antique dealers. He realized that when a dealer drew your attention to a flaw in the furniture, he almost always gained your trust. If you do this too — before the client notices your flaws on their own, you will also gain their trust. It will make you more credible when you boast about your strong points. 13. Don’t get bogged down in case-studies or research numbers. These things put prospects to sleep. "No manufacturer ever hired an agency because it increased market-share for somebody else." Clients care about themselves, talk about them. 14. Explicitly tell clients why they should hire you. The day after a new client meeting, David would send the client a 3-page letter on why they should pick him. Today you can send an equally brief email to help clients make the right decision. 15. Don’t pay an outside source a commission for new business. David Ogilvy believed the type of clients this brought in weren’t worth the trouble. Today commission-based lead finders include recruiters, head-hunters, and even other freelancers. 16. Beware of clients who have no budget but a great idea. Even though they might become huge if everything goes well, it’s more likely that things won’t go well. Servicing these companies will be expensive for you and very few of them will ever make it worth your while. 17. Don’t underestimate personality. The difference between client service firms is not as big as we like to believe. Most can show they produced results that increased sales for some of their clients. Very often the difference in new business depends on the personality of the head of the agency. Know you will win and lose some clients because of your personality. 18. Fire clients at least 5 times more often than you get fired. Always do it for the same reason: if their behavior erodes the morale of the people working on their account. Do not allow this from any client. 19. Use what you specialize in to find new clients. David Ogilvy created ads selling his ad agency. You should dog-food your own service too. So how does your work help clients? Can it help you in the same way? For example, do you help them find customers by creating content? Create content for your agency. Do you do graphic design? Create infographics for potential clients. The trick will be to not just make things that you like or impress people in your industry, but to make things that impress potential clients. 20. Build a waiting list of would- be clients. "Try as I may, I have never been able to space the acquisition of new accounts at convenient intervals. For months on end, nothing happens. I begin to wonder if we will ever get another account. My staff becomes despondent. Then we get three beauties in rapid succession, and the load of urgent work becomes unbearable. The only solution is to build a waiting list of would- be clients, and to admit them one by one at times of our own choosing. That will be the day." What’s your favorite lesson from these rules? Let me know in the comments! #digitalgrowthhub
    0 Comments 0 Shares 187 Views
  • This is 248k organic followers flushed down the drain!
    ...somebody's time, energy, sweat and blood.

    When you allow unfortunate situations like this happen to you without any plan B, you are not building your business efficiently.

    Don't wait till this happens to you.
    Learn how to avoid this from my free LCS Guide.

    #digitalgrowthhub #smartleadcapture #lcsguide
    This is 248k organic followers flushed down the drain! ...somebody's time, energy, sweat and blood. When you allow unfortunate situations like this happen to you without any plan B, you are not building your business efficiently. Don't wait till this happens to you. Learn how to avoid this from my free LCS Guide. #digitalgrowthhub #smartleadcapture #lcsguide
    0 Comments 0 Shares 183 Views
  • Done-For-You Lead Capture System New
    In stock
    Done-For-You Lead Generation Package: Capture More Leads, Grow Your Business!

    Looking to skyrocket your business growth but don’t have the time or expertise to set up a lead generation system? Look no further!
    I’ll take the hassle off your hands and deliver a fully functional lead capture system tailored to your business.

    What You Get with This Done-For-You Package:

    1. A Tailored Lead Magnet That Attracts Your Ideal Audience
    I’ll craft a highly valuable lead magnet that speaks directly to your target market. Whether it’s an ebook, checklist, guide, or template, your lead magnet will be designed to provide real solutions, position you as an authority, and entice your prospects to take action.

    2. A High-Converting Landing Page That Works 24/7
    I’ll design and set up a professional, optimized landing page that captures your leads effectively.

    Your page will include:
    - A compelling headline that grabs attention
    - Clear, benefit-driven content
    - Eye-catching visuals
    - A user-friendly form to collect lead information
    - A strong call-to-action (CTA) that converts visitors into leads

    3. Email Marketing Setup with Automation
    I’ll integrate your email marketing system to nurture your leads automatically.

    Here’s what I’ll deliver:
    - Seamless integration with your landing page
    - A welcome email sequence to engage new subscribers
    - Automation workflows to keep your audience engaged and move them closer to becoming paying customers
    - Recommendations for top-performing email tools (or setup on your existing platform)

    Why Work With Me?
    - Tailored Solutions: Every step of the process is customized to suit your unique business needs.
    - Proven Expertise: I’ve helped numerous businesses create lead generation systems that deliver results.
    - End-to-End Service: From concept to execution, I handle everything so you can focus on what you do best.
    - Fast Turnaround: I’ll deliver your entire system quickly without compromising quality.

    Who Is This For?
    - Business owners looking to grow their email list
    - Entrepreneurs who want to generate consistent leads
    - Coaches, consultants, or service providers ready to convert leads into loyal customers
    - Anyone tired of relying solely on social media for their audience!

    Here’s How It Works:
    1. Consultation: After placing your order, we’ll discuss your business goals, target audience, and unique needs.
    2. Execution: I’ll create your lead magnet, design your landing page, and set up your email marketing system.
    3. Launch: You’ll receive a fully functional lead generation system ready to attract and nurture leads instantly.

    Let’s Get Started!
    Stop leaving money on the table. Invest in a lead generation system that works for you—even while you sleep.
    Order Now and take the first step toward growing your business today!
    Done-For-You Lead Generation Package: Capture More Leads, Grow Your Business! Looking to skyrocket your business growth but don’t have the time or expertise to set up a lead generation system? Look no further! I’ll take the hassle off your hands and deliver a fully functional lead capture system tailored to your business. What You Get with This Done-For-You Package: 1. A Tailored Lead Magnet That Attracts Your Ideal Audience I’ll craft a highly valuable lead magnet that speaks directly to your target market. Whether it’s an ebook, checklist, guide, or template, your lead magnet will be designed to provide real solutions, position you as an authority, and entice your prospects to take action. 2. A High-Converting Landing Page That Works 24/7 I’ll design and set up a professional, optimized landing page that captures your leads effectively. Your page will include: - A compelling headline that grabs attention - Clear, benefit-driven content - Eye-catching visuals - A user-friendly form to collect lead information - A strong call-to-action (CTA) that converts visitors into leads 3. Email Marketing Setup with Automation I’ll integrate your email marketing system to nurture your leads automatically. Here’s what I’ll deliver: - Seamless integration with your landing page - A welcome email sequence to engage new subscribers - Automation workflows to keep your audience engaged and move them closer to becoming paying customers - Recommendations for top-performing email tools (or setup on your existing platform) Why Work With Me? - Tailored Solutions: Every step of the process is customized to suit your unique business needs. - Proven Expertise: I’ve helped numerous businesses create lead generation systems that deliver results. - End-to-End Service: From concept to execution, I handle everything so you can focus on what you do best. - Fast Turnaround: I’ll deliver your entire system quickly without compromising quality. Who Is This For? - Business owners looking to grow their email list - Entrepreneurs who want to generate consistent leads - Coaches, consultants, or service providers ready to convert leads into loyal customers - Anyone tired of relying solely on social media for their audience! Here’s How It Works: 1. Consultation: After placing your order, we’ll discuss your business goals, target audience, and unique needs. 2. Execution: I’ll create your lead magnet, design your landing page, and set up your email marketing system. 3. Launch: You’ll receive a fully functional lead generation system ready to attract and nurture leads instantly. Let’s Get Started! Stop leaving money on the table. Invest in a lead generation system that works for you—even while you sleep. Order Now and take the first step toward growing your business today!
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