I asked a question 2 days ago
On my whatsapp status...
As my heart ached in pain and anger.

Why do parents abdicate the responsibility of parenting to a school in the name of boarding house...Isn't that absent parenting?

Why do you trust teachers 100% and peers you don't know the homes they came from to raise your child...Isn't that utterly ridiculous?

Why do parents expose children to all forms of ideologies and training frames during their formative years in the name of visiting that uncle and staying with that aunty....do you know how many kids have been molested that way?

There are three major phases in parenting

Age 0-6...

These are the formative years where you should input every value you want a child to have...

Age 6-12...

A time to rejig and dig deeper...look through and see if there is anything you left out,so you can quickly make it up.

Age 12-18

This is your mini adult...test the work you have done,because this is your last chance at repair.

After 18 years...you have either raised a curse or a blessing...

The case at the college in lekki is a heart wrenching one....what will holding the school accountable achieve exactly. The only thing I see is that it will stop further happenings. What of the child lost? This is unimaginable for me as a mother.

I don't believe in chasing shadows.I believe in root cause analysis and nipping issues at the bud. I don't believe in being reactive either...

I am still waiting for cogent reasons why parents send their kids to boarding school.

That gist about making them disciplined is as lame as a flat tyre...it further drives home my point that you are abdicating responsibility...

Please do not bring kids here if you know you do not have intentions to chart your schedule right....please just end it at those fancy photos hoots you folks have before the wedding.

Even when they are home, be mindfully present...

The child who died and his killers are all victims of absent parenting.

Parenting should be sacrificial, intentional and deliberate.

Those children are not yours.You are simply a steward.You will be accountable to the very least!

Pay the price to develop yourself so you can effectively raise another with a sound template and by the right standards....

Again...please remember!

You are a steward!

~Kelechi Mbah