Someone told me today, that people don't click on ads displayed on websites.

She said infact, she doesn't click on ads when she visits websites and so doesn't think anyone will click on her ads to get to her landing page.

Well, I work with raw data; see for yourself if people do or not.

If people don't click on your ads, atleast they get to see it and that is also part of publicity for you and your brand.
The good thing is that, if you are using an Ad Type like Cost Per Click (CPC), you only get to pay for clicks and not impressions.
In other words, you don't pay when people view your ads, you only pay when they click on it based on interest.

There is crazy traffic outside social media; start using it to increase exposure to your business.

Chat me up to get started or visit the link in the comment section to learn more.

#adnetwork #digitalmarketing #onlineadvertising #ngadverts
