We have made it easy for you to give your business more exposure via website traffic.

Our NG Adverts service makes it easy for you to advertise your business on thousands of websites (news, entertainment, sports etc) simultaneously at an insanely cheap price.

With NG Adverts:
1. You can now reach new prospects everyday rather than showing your ads to the same contacts you have via your Whatsapp status or Facebook Story.

2. You don't have to upload your banner every 24hrs unlike Whatsapp Status and Facebook Stories. As long as your account is funded, your ad will keep getting displayed on our network.

3. You can display your ads to thousands of prospects but only pay when someone clicks on your ads based on interest

4. You have a variety of ways to "sell your market" either through Text, Image Banners, Native Ads or a 1minute video.

5. You can also earn recurrent income, simply by getting your friends to sign up via your referral link.

6. You can target people based on keywords, website category(sports, entertainment, news etc) or location (Country or State)

...and the best part is, you can start advertising on thousands of these high traffic websites with as low as N1000.

So if you have been banned by Facebook countless times, that's not the end of the world. Advertise via NG Adverts

If you post your products or service daily via WhatsApp Status and your Facebook story, increase your reach/exposure via NG Adverts

If you are looking for a new stream of income, all you need do is sign up and get your unique referral link, talk about NG Adverts in your space and get people to register via your referral link.
When they advertise, you earn continuously.

To get started, download our app from Google PlayStore and sign up as an Advertiser - https://play.google.com/store/....apps/details?id=com.

Please do give us a good review on Playstore, to enable us 'move this ministry quickly to the permanent site.'

As always, we are committed to your success!