Israel Unya    shared a  post
3 yrs

Worth sharing again!

Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze shared:


Two days ago, I found out about a premium cleaning company that serves only very meticulous people.

The team are trained to raise objects, clean and return them exactly the same way they found them.

Their sense of arrangement and thorough-ness gets them paid up to 3 times higher than a normal cleaning service.

I started to think about it - So people are really happy to pay extra for excellence?

So if I add more care and thorough-ness in my work, the price can go up?

Let's try this - Please choose which you would prefer.

Mr A - charges 8000 Naira to service your generator. Extremely thorough. He doesn't splash oil on your walls. He cleans the generator and the whole area after working. He checks all the vital parts and writes you a note explaining the condition of the generator after working. He uses guaranteed original spares and signs off a warranty period on the note he gives you. He even stores the date for the next servicing and reminds you ahead.

Mr B - charges 5000 Naira to service your generator. He is our regular guy. Oil everywhere, leaves the place dirty after work. He comes when you call. He writes nothing - it isn't even important to him. He says nothing about the spares, he just buys and installs. He is 95percent of the guys we all know and use.

Imagine you need to service your generator every quarter and you had these two options, who would you choose? Who would you rather use?

Let's discuss in the comment section.

We like to test and see if people are really willing to pay more for excellence.

I love you!
