Six Stages of Social Deception by Ugonna Emechebe.

There is a video clip someone put up on a WhatsApp forum to which I belong.
It was a veteran Nigerian actor who has been married for 52 years and is 74 years of age.
He was talking about marriage and contrasting what it was in his time and what it is now.

As even he expected there was a backlash from several people of this generation. And even those who are unmarried and some who cannot keep a relationship had strong opinions against what a veteran of 52 years of marriage had to say.
Well, I am not here to dissect the video and his message, but I will use the wide gulf between much of what he said and the mindset of many younger people to buttress this post.

A while ago I read an article on the stages of social deception. It was an interesting one.

Social Deception is a process through which right and wrong exchange places. It is a total overhaul of morals, virtues and standards and a complete paradigm shift that is achieved subtly, often taking at least a generation to entrench into society.

A clear example of this would be the case I cited above with the veteran actor. If you find out your parents' perspectives on things like how to conduct oneself in marriage and issues of sexuality and then compare them with yours, especially if you would like to present yourself as a liberal or progressive; in some cases the gulf would be so vast that it is almost unbridgable.
And it would not necessarily be because your parents are wrong. In fact 9 times out of 10 they are correct.
In a lot of issues (not just marriage) we can see how society gently veers out into uncharted waters by developing contrary thoughts and holding onto paradigms alien to those of our forebears.

In that article the author said there are six stages of Social Deception.

_ The SHOCKER stage
_ The OUTRAGE stage
_ The DISCUSSION stage
_ The TOLERANCE stage
_ The ACCEPTANCE stage
_ The VENERATION stage

If for instance someone wanted to bring into mainstream something previously unimaginable for most people, like maybe animal worship, if he wants it sustained then he would follow these steps.
Select a prominent person who would act as a what the author called a "forerunner" to drop the message on an unsuspecting public by saying something like “animals are deities who deserve our woship". Depending on how popular he is, how many people listen to him, how compelling his speech is, and how widely covered that particular message is you would get different levels of SHOCK.

Think about a prominent preacher holding such a position and what the effect would be.

This would inevitably lead to OUTRAGE. The person would be abused by an incandescent public and every respected leader in society would come out to take a swipe at him for even considering this. The forerunner would defy the odds and defend this new abhorrent thing and his detractors would attack him even more.
But this whole thing is intentional because the forerunner is deliberately setting an agenda. As long as the message is out there in the open the 3rd stage will be inevitable.

The 3rd stage is DISCUSSION, and this is the point agents of social deception want it to get to. At this stage there is a big debate over worshipping animals, with most people still opposing it but discussing it freely and in the open without knowing that is the plan.

I have heard how homosexual rights groups in the West were giving money to people fighting homosexuality in countries like Uganda, and then they would also fund those who support it.
Now if this is true then you can understand that the plan was to keep the subject of homosexuality in public debate.
The direct result of this is getting more people exposed to it through discussion and consequently making it less obnoxious in their minds.

So according to the author of the article it would lead to the next stage- TOLERANCE.

At this point more people would say things like, “I will not worship animals (or whatever else is the burning issue) but if someone chooses to do it who cares?"

The author pointed out that this is usually the stage at which science kicks in to ‘prove’ all sorts of stuff. If the argument is about making bestiality the new norm then science will find that some people are born with a natural orientation towards animals and they cannot help themselves.
He then said, "Consequently, bestiality will be included in the UN Human Rights Charter and activists are given a new pursuit. Economic and travel sanctions will be used to twist the arms of nations that still forbid it.
Then we start hearing phrases like: 'We cannot tell people whom they should love.'
The main purpose of this stage is to ensure that bestiality is legally accepted."

I look at the patterns everytime and they don't seem to ever change.
I understand that it was just in 1973 that homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders by the American Psychological Association. How long before other previously categorised mental disorders are decategorised?

The next two steps are aimed at entrenching it at a social level.
The 5th stage is ACCEPTANCE and following our analogy at this stage animal worship becomes a conventional and legitimate option as an alternative way of living. At this point the public rage is nonexistent, in fact it is that same public that will consider you a parochial, myopic, antiquated, intolerant, religious fanatic because you choose not to acknowledge that all roads can lead to the same destination.

The final step is VENERATION. This is the stage at which the people who practice animal worship will be praised as "courageous" and "bold" for coming out.

People like Tim Tebow will be insulted and called names for nothing other than proclaiming openly his love for Jesus as he plays American football, while Bruce Jenner after 64 years on Earth as a man who sires 6 children suddenly proclaims he is a woman and the world (liberal media in particular) will commend him/her for coming out, saying how "courageous" he/she is.

At this point whatever you are selling begins to win converts. Atheism, homosexuality, bestiality, radical feminism, humanism, and all other branches of this tree become more appealing to many who would never have considered it.

So, when you call others outdated you might just need to cross check that you are not the one that is a product of deception.

"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
(II Timothy 3:1‭-‬5 NKJV)

While we consider this let us ensure we give no oxygen to the evil that they will try to make normal in these last days.