The police have arrested a woman from Chogoria Town in Tharaka Nithi County for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend to death after he refused to sleep with her.

Susan Gakii is said to have stabbed Martin Kahiga, 42, after Kahiga refused to spend the night in her house.

Gakii drove a kitchen knife in the right side of Kahiga’s chest, and, thereafter, attempted suicide by stabbing herself in the stomach.

Police say Gakii had Saturday night demanded that her lover, whom she had gone out on a date with, takes her to her house in Polepole market centre in Chogoria Town.

Upon arriving at Gakii’s house, the suspect is said to have warned Kahiga against leaving the house without sleeping with her.

“This led to a confrontation. Gakii, thereafter, picked a kitchen knife and stabbed Kahiga in the right side of his chest,” a police report filed at Chogoria Police Station says.

On realising the gravity of her action, Gakii raised the alarm, attracting neighbours’ attention.

Three neighbours, Glory Mwende, Winjoy Gatwiri and Martin Mutuma, accessed Gakii’s house by breaking her window after the suspect refused to open the door.
