*"Dedicate them to Yourself by means of the Truth; Your Word is Truth."* John 17:17 (GN

One of the most vital marks of a genuine disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ is a steadfast adherence to His Words. The Scripture tells us to *"Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom."*(Colossians 3:16a). From this, we can see that ignorance of the Master's Principles leaves foolish disciples struggling in a quagmire of mere assumptions.

As we have seen in the previous devotionals, one of the characteristics of a true disciple of Jesus is Total Mastery i.e. memorizing all the Teachings of the Lord. The Bible tells us thus:
*"Therefore with humility, set aside all moral filth and the growth of wickedness, and welcome the Word planted deep inside you–the very Word that is able to save you."* (James 1:21 CE.

The onus lies upon us, as disciplined followers of Jesus Christ, to allow His Word take full root in our hearts.This is the inevitable result of constant study of the Bible whereby we become fully acquainted with His Commandments.

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to represent Him in this crooked and perverse generation. By continuing in His Word, we sponge up His Divine Counsel and become dispensers of every single Teaching of His. May we boldly say continually as His disciples; *"The Law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide."* Psalm 37:31(NKJV).

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness towards us. Grant us the Grace, O Lord, to soak up Your Divine Words that we may become custodians of Your Counsel.Thank You, Father, in Jesus' Mighty Name.

Be it unto me according to Your Word,
According to Your Promises, I can stand secure.
Carve upon my heart the Truth that sets me free,
According to Your Word, O Lord,
Be it unto me.

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