Let my supplication come before thee; deliver me according to thy word. Psalms 119:170 (KJV)

As the age embraces closure, end time events from the pit of hell against mankind intensifies, the need for emphasis on prayer has not only becomes vital, but a habitual necessity. While we are still here on earth, the influence of the preternatural world in human affairs is made possible by this singular act called prayer. Hence, heaven can do nothing except earth calls!

Heaven established this truth pertaining to prayer and its necessity, it is vital to know the different types of prayers revealed in the Bible and their corresponding effects. This is important because there is also such a thing as 'praying amiss' (James 4:3) which is as a result of insufficient knowledge about prayer and the technicalities thereof. One of those prayer types is supplication.

To supplicate refers to the act of entreating, pressing solicitation, a strong petition or request for a thing so desired(James 5:16 -17). While intercession is others-focused, supplication could be more self-focused. Yet, there common denominator is perseverance. In Luke 18, Jesus told a story of a woman who persisted in her petition for justice until she nearly suffocated the judge that feared neither God nor man with her persistent and passionate plea. Finally, she was granted her request. " that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." Isaiah 62:6b-7(KJV).

One vital key to effective prayer of supplication is seen in the information provided in our theme scripture Psalm 119:170. The Word: deliver is akin to "answer." In the Psalm, the tone suggests a call for God to honour His Word as David's request (supplication) was based on His Word. In other words, his request was in consonance with the Word of God and so he is asking God to answer his prayer on that basis. Thus, the basis for answers to your prayers of supplication is the will of God, and God's will is revealed in His Word. That means whatever you request in prayer must be in alignment with the Word or will of God.

Whenever you pray on your own terms, you pray amiss. Your request in prayer should be rooted in the will of God. This is why you must pray the Word! Let the Word be the foundation for your prayers. It is also the reason you must become a student of the Word. Cultivate the habit of studying the Word this year. Make goals to study the Word daily. The battles ahead in the last days require prayers, and your prayers become effective on the foundation of the Word of God. When your request in prayer is based on the Word, you are sure to receive the answer no matter how long it lingers. "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us" 1 John 5:14(KJV).

Ask the Lord for the grace to live by His Word which is a lamp for your feet and a light for your earthly navigation. That the Word of God becomes your standard in all facets of your life in Jesus Name.

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