Winnie: Why do you think that we are not ready?

Osita: There are a lot of things we have to deal with, we have power deficit, infrastructure deficit. We need to put a lot of things in place first. You can’t just take technology and sprinkle on these like this. So, I think what we can use at the moment from technology is social media. Just like the #endsars peaceful protest that happened weeks ago, everything was done online with no physical meetings or cash, everything was absolutely done online.

Lyrics: The Federal Government is clamoring on this Social Media Bill. If this bill be passed, do you think people will still enjoy these benefits you outlined?

Osita: To me, it means you are trying to choke the citizens. People can’t be able to speak against the government anymore. It’s very destructive.

Lyrics: It doesn’t make clamping on these things.

Winnie: if a lot of people understand that technology never forgets. It will change our present actions on situations. What other ways do you think youths can ensure for driving good governance?

Okechukwu: Like we said earlier, the youths are very innovative. One is this civic education trainings. It is worth it. I’m Nigerian and I’m sorry to say this, we don’t have laid down principles for people moving into politics. It will go a long way if we have these civic educative trainings, competence.

Akuabata: We should have youths learn to observe the off-seasons. Not only when we’re close to the election period. We need to start raising awareness ahead of time. What are doing as young people during the off-seasons? We can’t be like this. We need to deviate and try other means.

Osita: I believe if our young start getting involve with the little position and achieve excellence, with time you will go a long way. We shouldn’t believe it a position for the lesser. Our politics should start from the grassroots, not just jumping to the national level.

Lyrics: An advice to the youths, we shouldn’t just give up if we fail. We should be able to learn from our mistakes and turn back and re-strategize.

Winnie: What word do you have for the youths from the South-East towards driving active participation in good governance?

Okechukwu: Requires civic training, having good ideology that would bring good governance.

Osita: My advice, we can start leading from anywhere we don’t need to get into big positions to bring tremendous change.

Akuabata: You can start from your own little corner and bring change; you don’t need to get to Aso Rock to enforce change.

Lyrics: Goodbye for now. Till next week
