Arizona State Certifies Joe Biden's Win

Arizona officials certified the state’s election results Monday, formalizing Democrat Joe Biden’s narrow victory over Donald Trump even as the Republican president’s attorneys continued making baseless claims of fraud in the state’s vote count.

Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs certified the election results alongside Gov. Doug Ducey and Attorney General Mark Brnovich, both Republicans, and state Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Brutinel.

Hobbs and Ducey both vouched for the integrity of the vote count.

“We do elections well here in Arizona. The system is strong,” Ducey said.

He did not directly address Trump’s claims of irregularities but said the state pulled off a successful election with a mix of in-person and mail voting despite the pandemic.

Arizona voters should know that the election “was conducted with transparency, accuracy and fairness in accordance with Arizona’s laws and election procedures, despite numerous unfounded claims to the contrary,” Hobbs said.

Biden is only the second Democrat in 70 years to win Arizona. In the final tally, he won by 10,457 votes, 0.3 percent of the nearly 3.4 million ballots cast. Eleven Democratic electors will meet Dec. 14 to formally cast Arizona’s electoral votes for Biden.

