4 yrs ·Youtube

Lightweight woman knocks out 529-pound man to win inter-gender 'freakshow' MMA fight (video)

A lightweight female fighter beat a 529-pound man to win an inter-gender MMA fight.

The fight, which has been described as a "freakshow" by many in MMA, took place in Russia between professional fighter Darina Madzyuk and blogger Grigory Chistyakov.

The fight lasted only one peculiar round.
Chistyakov appeared to take the upper hand early on, pinning Madzyuk in a choke hold by the side of the cage.

The referee broke them apart, and after a few poorly aimed punches from both fighters, Madzyuk managed to get her rival on the floor, and began bludgeoning the top of the amateur’s head for several seconds before the referee pulled her off and gave her the win.

In light of the defeat, the male Russian fighter claimed he would be training actively and lead a healthier lifestyle.

"After this fight, I will start to train actively," the beaten Chistyakov said.

"I will try to lead more or less a healthy lifestyle. Blogger Nastya Tuki-Tuk will be my coach.

"It happened. She hit me fine and I fell. Although she is small, I lay on her back, but she did not fall, and than I didn’t know what to do."

The fight has gone viral on social media.