Caller 1: Steven (Kogi). Let me start this way. There’s no reason at all for a man to rape a woman, even if she’s stacked naked. They are described as lower animal. My advice to young ladies is to stop visiting these guys in their homes, it can lead to rape.

Lyrics: How do we handle stigmatization?

Caller 2: (Oji River). There’s no reason to rape a woman. It should a capital offence.

Chiege: Handling stigmatization - Letting people know that, it’s not your fault. It can be your fault that you were raped and taking precautions on offers such as drinks, visiting a man’s house, because they are a lot of animals out there.

Chifumnanya: Public Enlightenment, having these announced everywhere, so that it’s easier to speak up. For everyone, who has been violated, without getting justice, there are consequences, it’s either the person begins to withdraw or as they grow they begin to become these things we speak. It very important that we need to teach children, that it’s important to speak up.
There are agencies, we can report to, such as: National Agencies for Prohibition against Trafficking (They have different units to addressing these crimes) they are in all the 36 states of the Federation. Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) in Enugu. If people would be made to know that these things actual exists, it would help to curb these things.

Lyrics: Have we had cases where rape victims cases have been thrown away either from the NGOs and government officials?.

Chiege: For the Police yes, but NGOs have been the ones with the load. NAPTIP have been so amazing. They’ve been doing well even with the little funds they have.

Winnie: What is the level of reported cases in the South-East? What is the level of males, do we have males who have also come up to report cases of sexual abuse?

Chiege: From research it’s common in the North. I’m not saying it isn’t in the South-East too. Yes, there’s been reported cases according to NAPTIP. But, I haven’t seen any records of males reporting it. I don’t think it’s what men are more vocal about.

Chifumnanya: Some NGOs are really trying to document these. I know only very few cases and where boys reported. Parents need to be very sensitive with their children. A lot of males don’t report this cases. A lot of times, men do not see it as damages.

Lyrics: What do we think should be a penalty for false accusation?

Chifumnanya: Yes. When you intentionally decide to put the person in jail.

Chiege: I would agree with Chifumnanya. When you intentional decide to put the person in jail.

Caller 3: (Oji River). Any case without Evidence, I don’t think it would go far.

Lyrics: I think, it should be made known to people and potential perpetrators.

Winnie: What advice do you have for South-East Governors towards handling Sexual Violence?

Chiege: The government really have a lot of work to do. Again on the other hand, NAPTIP is a government agencies, but they could gather would more momentum to get this to work.

Chifumnanya: Just like she said, we need special courts to be adopted into the system to get justice served.

Lyrics: Yes, I think the Media also have a role to play in getting theses know.

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