US Presidential Election 2020 (Live Updates)

I will be updating everyone live as the election goes on. It is a major battle between President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden....

1. As we speak, more than 94millon early votes has been cast by Americans. This is over 68% of total votes cast in the 2016 general elections. History will be made today..

2. Also with rumours of a possible post election riots break out, the White House has been fenced to protect the heavily guarded abode of the president from possible unforeseen attacks.

3. So many business owners and stores were seen fortifying their stores from possible post elections looting and riots attacks on their stocks. This is really looking like a danger looming and everyone is taking precautions

4. Part of the tension in the USA now is that even if former vice president Joe Biden wins and is declared the winner of the election, there are chances of President Trump challenging that in court and mind you, a larger number of the supreme court judges tilts towards president Trump's side. This is one of the reasons why the democrats are looking at flipping the Senate during this election by having more senators than republicans thereby deciding the fate of democracy in both legislative houses. With Nancy Pelosi a Democrat as the speaker, a win for the Democrats in the Senate will be the end of any post election surprises from president Trump should Biden win.

