ASUU Strike, Students And Their Landlords 

Seven months have passed since ASUU embarked on strike. These 7 months have gone on rather uneventfully with the lockdown taking the better part of the seven months and the recent #endsars protests last month. 

With the year coming to an end and the loss of job that accompanied the lockdown, other sources of income now seem to be the only income which brings me to the aim of this post. 

Students have been home for these past months with little or nothing to do as most establishments are not hiring due to the financial hit on their businesses. Ordinarily, a session should be closing and rent for student lodges would most likely be due for payment. I just wonder where this leaves them and their landlords who would soon begin to ask for rent payments. 

Losing 7months+ of their rents and probably more (since the ASUU strike is still on) is not wonderful thing. But rental agreements stated anyways that their rent is due on a said date signed prior to payment. It wouldn't be a subject to debate if these students utilized this rooms paid for during the past 7+ months plus. Paying for more time that mightn't be used is another thing to worry about.

I'm just wondering if it is possible for them and their landlords to find a middle ground. After all the landlords built those hostels and lodges for financial gains.

NB: Please bear in mind that not all federal universities have the capacity to provide accommodation for all her students. 

Landlords of students' lodges, what are your thoughts?

Students patronizing alternative accomodations, what are your thoughts?
