Senate Tasks Federal Character Commission On Equal Employment.

President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan has charged the Federal Character Commission (FCC) to ensure equitable distribution of employment opportunities among all the states of the federation.

Lawan gave the charge when the executive chairman of the Commission, Dr Muheebbat Dankaka led other members on a courtesy visit to his office on Monday. “The FCC is designed purposely to provide stability in the country. No part of the country should be neglected; no part of this country should feel short-changed; this is the essence of the Commission,” Lawan said, adding that the Commission should not allow any further recruitment from that state that took undue advantage in the recruitment process, until other states are properly taken care of.

“Don’t mind what people from that state will say; so long there are too many people from one part of the country in an organisation, make sure other parts of the country get their share too and stop further recruitment from that state.

“We have witnessed that kind of situation where a chief executive officer of an agency will simply take advantage of his office and pass through your system and get all his people into the organisation to the neglect of other parts of the country.

“Your organisation is important because you give people a sense of belonging even though it is in our character to complain of marginalisation even where there is none. But figures do not lie. Figures are there to show what every state has in every organisation.

“Where you think it is hot for you to handle come to National Assembly, we will help and support you on that because this country belongs to all of us irrespective of where one comes from. Therefore, there must be fairness, justice and equity in the way and manner offices are shared and opportunities given.”

Lawan assured members of the Commission in their quest for an increase in funding, and called on the Commission to always work closely with the Senate committee on Federal Character in all its activities and decision-making process. He also called on the Commission to hasten the presentation of its proposed amendment to the Act establishing it for expeditious consideration by the National Assembly.

Dankaka, in her remarks, said the commission “is working on some grey areas of our Act, to make it more potent and in line with the dynamics of time.” She commended the harmonious relationship between the executive and legislature, which she said facilitated their speedy screening and confirmation by the senate.

