"Those who have not crossed the river yet should not laugh at those who are drowning"


You have never been to war before and you are laughing at those who are losing on the battlefield? You have never sat for that exam and you are making fun of those who failed it? You have never raised a child before and you are making mockery of someone's failure to bring up a child well? Are you kidding me? So if you know how to win a fight why haven't you won a fight before. If you know how to pass an exam why haven't you passed one yourself? And if you know how to raise a child , why haven't you done so yourself? Any fool can sit back and laugh at others who are trying to do something with their lives. It takes real courage to do something useful with one's life. Don't be so quick to think that you would be better at what others are trying or have tried to do. You may be surprised at what fool you may make of yourself if you were in others shoes. If you have not walked in a shoe dont laugh at how someone walks in it. Be calm!