Chukwuma: The issue to this sometimes are not that the jobs are not even so available, but that there’s shortfall in those who go to look for jobs without a commence rate, due to their level of bad composure. We need to learn the apprenticeship model of the Igbo man.
As I teacher I always advise my students to manage the businesses their parent has laid the foundation. Coming to the educational sector, our universities should learn not to give the certificate to those who can’t add anything to the society. The basic concept about jobs is to add value and I believe everybody can add value.

Lyrics: It not enough to criticize the system, but we need to balance it. So what’s the way forward?
Chukwuma: The way forward is to, declare a state of emergency on our educational sector and a complete overhauling. We need to retrieve the sector back. We need to look into the apprenticeship model which the best school (Harvard) is coming to learn. On the part of the part of the young people, they need to learn, take courses to develop themselves, submit themselves to mentorship, leverage technology like the internet (LinkedIn, Google even Facebook) always search out for opportunities. Great people do not necessary do different things, but they do the same thing, but in different way.

Lyrics: In one word, way forward? What would you say that would change somebody’s mentality?
Chuwuma: First, starting with does who are employed, but not receiving enough compensation, just be diligent. Add value to that place you are, you will get recommendation. Every person is both a problem and a solution. Attract people to yourself. How can you attract value back to yourself? It’s by aligning yourself out there, you can’t add value of get back value by staying at home. Develop a strategy, and then go through apprenticeship, then you can come out strongly.

Lyrics: I need the key thing, You haven’t given it to me.
Chukwuma: What I’m stressing on, is the apprenticeship model. Find somebody who has work and learn from the person.

Lyrics: true. We are talking about employment and the youth. The youths are the leaders of tomorrow, but the leaders of today, never wants to leave and the youths are facing a level of frustration, there are no jobs. A person they want to learn from, doesn’t work again and then we now have the global epidemic. What is the way forward?
Chukwuma: The way forward is start from where you are, what do I mean? Don’t look at people you can’t explain their source of income. If you are earnest to yourself and hardworking. And the position of our current dispensation are not even helping. Hard-work is very important, good value system is very important, good churches, good schools, good families. Sometimes parent are not even the matter, comparing their children with other children. Get focus for yourself.

Lyrics: Would you say these barrow pushers they are unemployed?
Chukwuma: No they are not.

Lyrics: Can you advise a graduate to do such work, to look for the smallest minimal wage?.
Chukwuma: The advise is to get something doing. You can’t stay in your house waiting for someone to come and help you. Nobody should sacrifice competence on the altar of sentiments. There’s no welfare in education.

Lyrics: Before we go, would you say we are searching jobs at the wrong place.
Chukwuma: Young persons, I think it should be one course we need to be teaching in schools. How to look for jobs? Yes, because people do not longer look for opportunities. Young people need to learn how to search out for opportunities, leverage on the technologies you have.

Thank you!