Phone Lines: 09020020925, 08098888925

Caller 1: The Law at Law from Enugu. There’s nothing like political accessibility in this country. Where are we going to? Nigeria as a nation today can never come back to it’s original shape, it has reached it’s elastic limit. There are two types of Leadership:
1.Transactional Leadership
2.Transformational Leadership
We are practicing transactional leadership not transformational leadership

Prof. Augustine: Without dragging with the caller. It’s not all about lamentations, I came with hope, let the people get prepared. When all those are not there, you have to find a way to survive and have victory in your life time Lamentations wouldn’t take us anyway. So, what I’m saying, I take in all they say, I look like a ‘Nigeria’. Nigeria is like an ugly lady, the lady is not so beautiful. Nigeria was designed to fail, the problem started from the Amalgamation. I want us to leave the threshold of lamentation, and think, how do we have have a paradigm shift and take position from the current leaders?.

Lyrics: You said something about the Paradigm Shift.
Prof. Augustine: When you expect too much, so little is delivered. The government need to give good governance. Coming to the Paradigm Shift you asked - To the youths, look at yourself, help yourself and encourage yourself.

Caller 2: Chimdalu from Nsukka. I share the Dr’s view.

Prof Augustine: The youths are complaining
Florence: With all due respect sir. The youths are not complaining. They don’t have to basic amenities to move them forward. As a social worker, I have a vast network of friends in different industries, but there’s something that keeps them from pushing forward.

Prof Augustine: We are in a democracy, where the people shout that their votes do not count. You have to have strategic performance. We need to have hope, we have to have that audacity. Power is like a buffet, nobody gives it to you, you have to take it. Be under mentor-ship. They think that they have lost hope but all hope is not lost. The can form a political party and out number them.

Florence: When I got the message yesterday. I got tired not in the sense that I personally is tired. But people are hungry we are not talking about the third factor, POVERTY.

Lyrics: Okay. We will have to continue this discussion next as we run out of time.
