Afonja Descendants’ PG Blames Buhari For Nigeria’s Security, Economic Woes

The President-General, Afonja Descendants Union, ADU, Alhaji Olola Kasum, has said that the present economic situation in the country is a reflection of the rudderless Muhamadu Buhari led administration that has lost its bearing and focus.

Olola Kasum buttressed his point by reiterating that the just announced increase in tariff of essentials like power and fuel proves that the Buhari led administration in insensitive to the plights of Nigerians at a time that nations of the world are giving palliatives to their citizens to cushion the effect of the COVID- 19 pandemic that ravaged every sphere of life.

Speaking to our correspondent in Ilorin, on the state of the nation, Alhaji Olola kasum said: “The current phenomenal upsurge in sporadic and spasmodic armed – robbery activities and other related crimes in most urban cities of the country is as a result of the current comatose, dominant and riderless government under President Muhamadu Buhari. The federal government is, therefore, to blame for the insecurity of life and the dwindling economy.”

He made a comparison with the proverbial Emperor Nero of ancient Rome, whom he said delighted in fiddling while Rome burnt; adding that President Muhamadu Buhari, his hordes of deadwood technocrats and misguided advisers, who have persisted in pursuing negative economic, social and political policies that continue to accentuate rather that assuage the suffering of the ordinary man in the country.

He further expressed: “The basic needs of the average Nigerian consist of security of life, food, shelter, health, education and pursuit of freedom and happiness. All over the world, satisfaction of these basic human needs constitutes the primary responsibility of any elected government worth its salt. The oath of office sworn to on 29th May 2019 by President Muhamadu Buhari is a serious undertaking to provide unfaltering, dynamic and selfless leadership to the masses in acquiring these dividends of democracy.

“The most recent and classic example of anti-Nigeria people policy is the decision by federal government to lift the fluke fuel subsidy; while at the same time contemplating salary and allowances bonanza for public servants. The former is bedeviled with the prospect of generating spiral inflation in the country; while the latter will widen the gab between the affluent few and the poor down- trodden majority.”

The Afonja leader flawed the defences made by the federal government over its unpopular policies calling it “puerile and feeble argument” adding that the fuel subsidy makes the Nigerian fuel price soar in a way that masses pay more than they could bear.

He also added his voice on the said the breakup from Arewa Consultative Forum by some middle belt elements to form the North Central Peoples Forum saying it is a welcome development.

He said: “The issue of allying Kwara with the core north has been a geopolitical misplacement. There are sixteen local governments in Kwara, fourteen are Yoruba speaking people. From Jebba down south is a Yoruba settlement. We don’t belong to ACF. Only people from the core Kwara North should be in ACF. We have been agitating for the breakup for a long time. Even with the North Central Peoples Forum we are still being denied union with our people.”

