Caller 1: Chidi calling from Awka. At some point I’ve been worried, why youths
are not adding value and not be valued. I’ve come to discover the reason. People see people making money out of nowhere especially when they are
involved in politics. How do you expect us to continue in this non-ending dark
tunnel hoping for the light that never comes.

Caller 2: Pastor Michael calling from Enugu. Permit me to use these words. The youths in Abia State have been turned to a goose that don’t lay eggs. They’ve been totally over clouded with the little gifts coming from the

Lyrics: Let me quickly allow you Promise to react to the caller views

Promise: All they have said is actually true, They are educated but to some
extent. I talked about foundations, but enough of the problems. Let me talk of
the solutions. Parents needs to start telling their children the truth. It starts
from the home. Every youth must have been a child. If we can sensitize our
parents, to start telling there children the truth, and the teacher to start telling
their students or pupil the truth, it will help to solve a lot of problems in Abia

Caller 3: IK from Enugu. At what level has the government played in redeeming
them? If we say the problem is fundamental, what is it that’s on ground that
they are doing?

Rev. P.C: The people are the government. It is left for the youths not to make
themselves to be used. If the government is not formulating policies that
favours you, what do you do? You look away from them and stop being
spanners and chisels in the hands of politicians. I took my own destiny in my
hands, I built myself, I developed myself, Fresh Inspiration Africa prepares the
young ones for the future that’s one of our project.

Caller 4: Steven calling from Kogi State. The program needs to be extended to
the entire youths in the country, what’s happening in Abia State is no different
from what is happening in Kogi State or any other part of the country. If the
youth detach themselves from the politicians, it’s better for all of us.

Lyrics: He got some point and said the policies that the politician are making, are favouring the politicians alone.

Rev P.C: Yes, the policies that the politician are making, are favouring the
politicians alone.

Lyrics: How do we change it?

Rev P.C: We need to come out, we need to speak out, we the youths we the
people need to speak out. We need to find the place of like minds,
organizations just South-Saharan Social Development Organization (SSDO), I
encourage what you are doing. There are a lot of organizations in silent, but I
don’t blame them, because of intimidation.

Promise: Just like Vision Alive Foundation was created to teach youths. There
are policies that will always fight against us even in businesses. If we can come
with an initiatives to fight for that.

Winnie: Even through social media, because I feel like a lot of our leaders get
more attacked on social media when it’s said there, because the whole world
sees it, but we’re still scared so it doesn’t come hunting us. Saying good things
matter and saying it in a good way, in a way that it’s not a hate speech, but it’s
still the truth. So I think coming up with Initiative and then Youth-led

Rev P.C: The condition of doing business to an extent is conducive in Abia State, but I think, if it is possible we need to shut the betting houses, because the
betting houses have destroyed the life of an average Abian youth. Policies
needs to be made to shut these down. You see children 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, etc… in bet houses. This is eating into the fabrics of our families, we need to do
something, Abia State is in a sorry state. The earlier the politician begin to
think about the young persons, the better for us.
