Lyrics: As a Girl Child Advocate, What would you say, is the next level of
politics in Nigeria for the women?

Promise: Personally, growing up I didn’t have that privilege knowing that
women can be in politics, but as time goes by I realize that there’s so much we
can do as women in the society. So, due to circumstances surrounding Abia
State as a case study, there’s no really much hope for women in the politics in
Abia State.

Lyrics: Why do you say so?

Promise: Why I said so is due to foundational problem, because right from
home my father told me “Politics is a dirty game”. So, I considered it very dirty, so as I girl I never dreamed of seeing a woman in power, but there’s so much
more we can do, so I believe that with the right re-orientation about the
gender aspect, women in governance it will sensitize us that we can become
much better in politics and the hope will be restored.

Lyrics: As a Content Producer, Do you agree with what she said?

Rev. P.C: Yes, I agree with her. It’s a foundational problem like she said
because we had different orientation growing up. I think we should go back to
the classroom. Like my organization, we are trying to change the mindset of
the Nigerian Youth. We should all know that all hand must be on deck. A
question popped up, someone asked “If you totally the girl child and you
ignore the male child. We will ended up having vagabonds coming after the
well trained girl child”. So, there won’t be proper check and balancing. We
should entirely advocate for the youths, so that every will be equal.

Winnie: Focusing on Abia State, Do we have more youths involve in politics
and good governance

Rev. P.C: As a matter of fact, giving a straight answer, the answer to you
question is capital NO. We just one commissioner who’s a youth. The
commissioner for SME (Nwachukwu). Abia State government as not really
done well integrating the youths. I think the youth in Abia State have been
used more of political thuggery system than political governance and policy
making, but we can get better it’s a foundational problem. It didn’t start from
the present governor, so he’s not to blame. I’m not blaming the his
administration, because it started from the foundation.

Lyrics: When you say foundational, how do you mean?

Rev. P.C: What I mean is, it started from whoever was the first governor. To
greater extent, the youths of Abia State are to be blamed, as much as the
government has excluded you, what have you done yourself to empower
yourself. I trained myself in many aspects for years.

Winnie: Are you saying, some youths in Abia State are not training

Rev. P.C: Yes, I say that, a lot of them. You see a lot of youths, I the morning
drinking, sitting in bet houses. So, I think largely it has to do with individuals. You have to build yourself.

Winnie: Promise, Do you think that poverty could be one of the reasons, young people are not ready to take part in politics?

Promise: Okay, what you said about the economic part is true, but there’s this
power of choice that we have. The nomination form is very expensive, and you
might not have the millions to acquire one, I mean there are still stakeholders
who are good that you can start from the grass-root and partner with, there
are still some principle, you need to take note of. You can actually start from